Thursday, December 26, 2019

Phyllis Schlafly Anti-Feminist Quotes

Phyllis Schlafly was perhaps most famous for her successful mobilization against the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution in the 1970s.   She is often associated with the backlash against the so-called second wave of feminism.   Before that, she was active in the ultraconservative wing of the Republican party, and she remained active on many conservative issues. See also: biography of Phyllis Schlafly About the ERA ERA means abortion funding, means homosexual privileges, means whatever else.   1999 About Feminism The cry of womens liberation leaps out from the lifestyle sections of newspapers and the pages of slick magazines, from radio speakers and television screens. Cut loose from past patterns of behavior and expectations, women of all ages are searching for their identity -- the college woman who has new alternatives thrust upon her via womens studies courses, the young woman whose routine is shattered by a chance encounter with a consciousness-raising session, the woman in her middle years who suddenly finds herself in the empty-nest syndrome, the woman of any age whose lover or lifetime partner departs for greener pastures (and a younger crop).   1977 The womens liberationist... is imprisoned by her own negative view of herself and of her place in the world around her.... Someone - it is not clear who, perhaps God, perhaps the Establishment, perhaps a conspiracy of male chauvinist pigs - dealt women a foul blow by making them female. It becomes necessary, therefore, for women to agitate and demonstrate and hurl demands on society in order to wrest from an oppressive male-dominated social structure the status that has been wrongfully denied to women through the centuries. 1977 Confrontation replaces cooperation as the watchword of all relationships. Women and men become adversaries instead of partners.... Within the confines of the womens liberationist ideology, therefore, the abolition of this overriding inequality of women becomes the primary goal. 1977 And the first commandment of feminism is: I am woman; thou shalt not tolerate strange gods who assert that women have capabilities or often choose roles that are different from mens. Feminism is doomed to failure because it is based on an attempt to repeal and restructure human nature. â€Å"The feminist movement taught women to see themselves as victims of an oppressive patriarchy.... Self-imposed victimhood is not a recipe for happiness.† The Womens Lib movement has sealed its own doom by deliberately hanging around its own neck the albatross of abortion, lesbianism, pornography and Federal control. News flash: one reason a woman gets married is to be supported by her husband while caring for her children at home. So long as her husband earns a good income, she doesnt care about the pay gap between them. Characterizing feminists: Someone, it is not clear who, perhaps God, dealt women a foul blow by making them female. Men should stop treating feminists like ladies, and instead treat them like the men they say they want to be. Another silliness of the womens liberationists is their frenetic desire to force all women to accept the title Ms in place of Miss or Mrs. If Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan want to call themselves Ms in order to conceal their marital status, their wishes should be respected. But most married women feel they worked hard for the r in their names; and they dont care to be gratuitously deprived of it... 1977 Womens Nature Without womans innate maternal instinct, the human race would have died out centuries ago....The overriding psychological need of a woman is to love something alive. A baby fulfills this need in the lives of most women. If a baby is not available to fill that need, women search for a baby-substitute. This is the reason why women have traditionally gone into teaching and nursing careers. They are doing what comes naturally to the female psyche. The schoolchild or the patient of any age provides an outlet for a woman to express her natural maternal need. 1977 Men are philosophers, women are practical, and twas ever thus. Men may philosophize about how life began and where we are heading; women are concerned about feeding the kids today. No woman would ever, as Karl Marx did, spend years reading political philosophy in the British Museum while her child starved to death. Women dont take naturally to a search for the intangible and the abstract.   1977 Where man is discursive, logical, abstract, or philosophical, woman tends to be emotional, personal, practical, or mystical. Each set of qualities is vital and complements the other. 1977 About Women and the Military Putting women in military combat is the cutting edge of the feminist goal to force us into an androgynous society. No country in history ever sent mothers of toddlers off to fight enemy soldiers until the United States did this in the Iraq war. Every country that has experimented with women in actual combat has abandoned the idea, and the notion that Israel uses women in combat is a feminist myth. Much of the demand for women in combat comes from female officers who are eager for medals and promotions. The purpose of our military is to field the finest troops possible to defend our nation and win wars. The goal of feminists however, is to impose a mindless equality, regardless of how many people it hurts. 2016 About Sex and Sexuality If man is targeted as the enemy, and the ultimate goal of womens liberation is independence from men and the avoidance of pregnancy and its consequences, then lesbianism is logically the highest form in the ritual of womens liberation. 1977 Sex education classes are like in-home sales parties for abortions. About why condoms should not be available to young women:  Its very healthy for a young girl to be deterred from promiscuity by fear of contracting a painful, incurable disease, or cervical cancer, or sterility, or the likelihood of giving birth to a dead, blind or brain-damage [sic]  baby (even ten years later when she may be happily married). â€Å"How did the court feel empowered to put new limits on the settled law of Meyer-Pierce and give public schools the power to override parents on teaching about sex? Simple. The three liberal judges based their decision on our evolving understanding of the nature of our Constitution.   2012 About Transgender Issues Anyone with a child knows that children learn about the world through binary options: up or down, hot or cold, big or little, inside or outside, wet or dry, good or bad, boy or girl, man or woman. But the radical feminists, who staff womens studies departments at most colleges, have propagated the idea that we have to get rid of the gender binary along with the expectation of distinct roles for men and women. About Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment on the job is not a problem for virtuous women. About the Republican Party [F]rom 1936 through 1960 the Republican presidential nominee was selected by a small group of secret kingmakers who are the most popular opinion makers in the world. 1964 About International Issues It should be clear that teaching Americans we are now part of a global economy and teaching schoolchildren they are citizens of the world is a deceitful message to con us into a plan to add the poor countries around the Earth to our list of welfare handout recipients. 2013 About the United Nations: We certainly dont need a committee of foreigners who call themselves experts to dictate our laws or customs.   2012 It is a mystery why any Americans would support the concept of the EU. About Multiculturalism, Diversity, Race,  Immigrants The United States is the worlds most stunning example of a nation that has peaceably and successfully assimilated people from many disparate cultures. So why are some people trying to separate us into factions, emphasizing what divides us instead of what unites us? 1995 You cant be an American if you dont speak English. Our public schools should be mandated to teach all children in English. The most dangerous area where our laws are not being faithfully executed are the laws designed to protect Americans against the millions of aliens who enter our country illegally every year. How can we protect homeland security unless the government stops the invasion of illegal aliens? Birth on U.S. territory has never been an absolute claim to citizenship. In a world of inhumanity, war and terrorism, American citizenship is a very precious possession. Its not the physical location of birth that defines citizenship, but whether your parents are citizens, and the express or implied consent to jurisdiction of the sovereign. About Climate Change Of course, climate changes. Many changes are due to factors over which humans have no control, such as winds, ocean currents and sun activity. But the liberals want us to believe that climate change is also caused by gases expelled when humans burn so-called fossil fuels.  Ã‚  2011 About the Family â€Å"The American nuclear family made America great, but few are now defending it against forces determined to destroy it. If America continues to have many immigrants with different family types, we are less likely to maintain American values of personal freedom, individualism, and limited government.†Ã‚  2014 What I am defending is the real rights of women. A woman should have the right to be in the home as a wife and mother. People think that child-support enforcement benefits children, but it doesnt. First of all, I want to thank my husband Fred, for letting me come -- I always like to say that, because it makes the libs so mad! The United States: Exceptionalism The United States is a giant island of freedom, achievement, wealth and prosperity in a world hostile to our values. Education, Schools The cornerstone of the political correctness that dominates campus culture is radical feminism. The worst censors are those prohibiting criticism of the theory of evolution in the classroom. After Big Media, U.S. colleges and universities are the biggest enemies of the values of red-state Americans. Parents, are you ready to teach your kids arithmetic? 2002 National Standards was not a narrative of past events but was leftwing revisionism and Political Correctness. It is long overdue for parents to realize they have the right and duty to protect our children against the intolerant evolutionists. Our public school system is our countrys biggest and most inefficient monopoly, yet it keeps demanding more and more money. The most frequent complaint I hear from college students is that professors inject their leftist political comments into their courses even when they have nothing to do with the subject. Behind frequent protestations by public officials about local control of the schools, a federal curriculum has been quietly imposed by law. All the pieces are now in place for this major goal of the Clinton administration. Elementary and secondary school education used to be organized around subjects such as reading, math, history, geography, language and science. While smatterings of those subjects are still taught, the focus has been shifted from academic subject matter to teaching attitudes, beliefs, values, themes, behaviors and job skills. This is indoctrination, not education. Left-wing professors write the textbooks and the teachers unions control the public schools, so the ideology is what those groups deem politically correct. 2002 About Government, Judges Congress should pass legislation to remove from the federal courts their jurisdiction to hear these outrageous challenges to the Ten Commandments and the Pledge of Allegiance. Under the nanny state of the left, nothing remains private for long. 2012 The justices have constitutionally protected obscenity in libraries, filth over cable television, and now unlimited internet pornography. About Obama â€Å"Obama has compiled a record of hostility to religion that is unmatched by any other president in American history. 2012 â€Å"Obama did not want to join a  historically Christian black church in Chicago that took traditional Christian doctrines seriously. Rather, he sought out  a liberal church that would help him advance his budding political career.† 2012 Should Obama win a second term, the justices he appoints will almost certainly unveil a bogus new constitutional right to gay marriage, discovered within the penumbras of Lawrence v. Texas. At which point Obama, drawing upon the faux-pained honesty he has perfected, can regurgitate what he wrote in his memoirs: that he was once on the wrong side of history† but has now happily come into the light.  2012 Others About Schlafly Betty Friedan in a 1973 debate with Schlafly: I would like to burn you at the stake.... I consider you a traitor to your sex, an Aunt Tom.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Essay about Employee Benefits Required By Law - 6718 Words

Employee Benefits Required by Law nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; The legally required employee benefits constitute nearly a quarter of the benefits package that employers provide. These benefits include employer contributions to Social Security, unemployment insurance, and workers’ compensation insurance. Altogether such benefits represent about twenty-one and half percent of payroll costs. Social Security nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Social Security is the federally administered insurance system. Under current federal laws, both employer and employee must pay into the system, and a certain percentage of the employee’s salary is paid up to a maximum limit. Social Security is mandatory for employees†¦show more content†¦It is possible for an individual who dies or becomes totally disabled at an early age to be classified as fully insured with less than 40 quarters. To receive old age insurance benefits, covered individuals must also meet the test of retirement. To meet this test, persons under 70 cannot be earning more than an established amount through gainful employment. This limitation of earnings does not include income from sources other than gainful employment such as investments or pensions. Social security retirement benefits consist of those benefits which individuals are entitled to receive in their own behalf, called the primary insurance amount, plus supplemental benefits for eligible dependents. These benefits can be determined from a prepared table. There are also both minimum and maximum limits to the amount that individuals and their dependents can receive. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Social Security program provides benefit payments to workers who are too severely disabled to engage in gainful employment. In order to be eligible for such benefits, an individual’s disability must have existed for at least 6 month and must be expected to continue for at least 12 months. Those eligible for disability benefits must have worked under Social Security for a t least 5 out of the 10 years before becoming disabled. Disability benefits, which include auxiliary benefits for dependents, are computed on the same basis as retirement benefits and are converted to retirementShow MoreRelatedEmployee Benefit Package for Bostic Colleges Inc.879 Words   |  4 PagesEmployee Benefit Package for Bostic Colleges, Inc. Since its onset in 1966, Bostic Colleges, Inc. has provided quality college education to non-traditional students. This could not have been possible without the dedication and hard work of high quality employees. It is with these individuals in mind that Bostic Colleges has decided to revamp its benefit package. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

RIP Pty Ltd Taxation Law And Practice Free Sample Solution

Question: Discuss about the Taxation Law and Practice for RIP Pty Ltd. Answer: Arthur Murray (NSW) Pty Ltd v FCT (1965) 114 CLR 314 Fact of the case states that the tax payer was engaged in the providing the lessons on dancing by accepting the fees in advance. The taxpayer used to accept the advance fees payment for the dancing lesson services to be provided in future. As per the contention of commissioner, the amount received in advance was required to be considered as income under taxation law. However, the taxpayer denied the contention of commissioner because the service of dance lesson was still due. Moreover, according to the judgment of the high court, it was contended that any amount received in advance in lieu of providing service shall qualify for income received only if the service has been released. Until the taxpayer has actually performed the service, the advance received shall not be considered as taxable income for the assessee (Grubert, 2015). Since the given situation of RIP Pty Ltd is similar to the case of Arthur Murray, with respect to the fees of funeral services received in advance, it can be co-related to it. In case the income of RIP Ptys income is derived generally, then such income shall be considered as income generated during the accounting or financial year. It would be considered as the taxable income under the taxation system. Therefore, the company should include such amount of income while determining the tax liability on income. On the contrary, if the amount received from the income of funeral and related services, it would be considered in the statement of financial position of the business and not as an income (DeBacker, Heim Tran 2015). This is because the service of funeral is rendered after the receipt of service fees. As and when such service is provided, the same shall be transferred and converted to the financial statements of the company and same shall be taxable as per section 6 ITAA 97. Easy Funeral Plan of the organization is a fixed price contract where clients make periodic payments against the funeral services to be provided in future. Under the first plan, consumers are ensured to receive deluxe service in future one the payment is done. Similarly, in case of second plan of the contract, the company used to receive the amount in part payment scheme until the death of a person occurs. Hence, it can be said that the principle of Arthur Murray applies to the accounting treatment for the amounts received in the contract plan (Ciconte et al., 2016). In case of Arthur Murray, the fees received in advance were not included in the income statement until the dancing lessons actually provided. Likewise, in case of RIP Pty Ltd, fees received under the contract shall be treated as income after the funeral services are provided by the company after the death of the client. The method of accounting for tax is on accrual basis, which means that the transactions related to the current accounting year would be considered for ascertaining the business performance and income tax liability. On the other hand, the accounting for tax can also be prepared by using the cash basis especially is the business enterprise is small or conducted by sole practitioner. In view of the decided case law of Carden, it was contented that the business organizations are required to use the method of accounting for tax that discloses the correct and fair income of the taxpayer. Hence, it can be said that the commissioner or assessee has the choice in using method of accounting for tax. Further, in case of Firstenberg vs. Federal Commissioner of Taxation, since the taxpayer was single individual to conduct the business it would be appropriate to follow cash basis for tax accounting method (Robinson, Stomberg Towery, 2015). Moreover, in case the business is large or operates using credit services, then accrual basis should be conducted for tax accounting that reveals the correct and transparent income of the taxpayer. Tax Treatment of the forfeited payment account Forfeiture of any prepaid receipts is considered as capital receipts as per the taxation ruling (TR) 1999/19 of Income Tax Assessment Tax (ITAA) 97. This ruling is relevant to the business organizations who conduct the business activities by receiving advance payments for the services to be provided in future. However, in case the future service is not taken by the clients, then the advance payment is forfeited by the organizations instead of refunding the same that is recorded by the companies in a separate forfeited payment account. In many organizations, future service contract demands advance payment, which is not subjected to the clause of forfeiture. Therefore, in case the service is not provided then receipt of such amount is considered as capital receipts (Choudhary, Koester Shevlin, 2016). In the provided situation of RIP Pty Ltd, the company conducts the business to provide the services of directing funeral activities as well as dealer of fixed contract under Easy Funeral Plan. The company provides services to the clients by receiving advance payments for the funeral services to be provided in future under the fixed contract. However, certain clients could not avail the service hence, the payment received as advance was transferred to the forfeiture account. The account of forfeiture reflected the balance of $16,200 at the end of the accounting year 30th June. According to the rulings of taxation system, the amount of $16,200 in the forfeited payment account shall be considered as capital receipts that would be valued as assessable income at year-end. As the companys fixed contract was not subjected to the forfeiture clause therefore, the waiving of services by the clients does not call for refunding the amount already paid by them. Additionally, as per the decided case of Guyv. Federal Commissioner of Taxation 96 ATC 4520; (1996) 32 ATR 590, the amount transferred to the forfeiture account by the taxpayer had been treated as capital receipts and not as revenue receipt. With respect to the nature of service and contract terms and conditions, forfeited amount is considered as a part of continuum of events and at the end of the accounting year, the total balance of the forfeited account would be treated under taxable income of the assessee (Jakstonyte Boguslauskas, 2015). Accordingly, in case of RIP Pty Ltd the balance in forfeited payment account amounted to $16,200 would be treated as assessable income at the end of the accounting year. Tax treatment for trading stock Provisions of Income Tax Assessment Act (ITAA) 97 section 70-10 states that the trading stock of the business enterprise are the materials held for sale in the ordinary course of business. A stock or material is regarded as trading stock if such material is competent for trading in as a finished or progressive work structure while operating the business activities (Dumiter et al., 2016). Considering the rules of taxation system treatment of trading stock is done in the following manner: Purchase cost of the material as trading stock can be claimed as deduction in the current income tax year, if such material is used by the assessee If the balance of stock at the end of the year exceeds the balance at the beginning of the year, the difference would be added to compute the assessable income On the contrary, if the balance at the beginning year exceeds the balance at the closing year, then the difference will be claimed as deduction The stock valuation also includes physical verification and valuation is done by considering the each stock on the basis of cost method, market value method and replacement value method by excluding Goods and Service Tax (GST). In case the assessee is eligible to claim GST credit, then only the taxpayer can exclude the tax on Goods and Service for the purpose of stock valuation (Altshuler, Shay Toder, 2015). In the given situation of RIP Pty Ltd, prepayment of $25,000 in June 2016 for the delivery to be made in August 2016 can be claimed as deduction by the taxpayer. According to the TR 93/23 if RIP Pty follows the cash basis accounting method such amount can be treated as an expense and claim as deduction. If the taxpayer applies the accrual method in accounting, the payment shall be included in the balance sheet and can be claimed as deduction in the next accounting year in which the delivery is made. Further, according the case of v St. Huberts Island Pty. Ltd. vs. FC of Taxation, (1978) 138 CLR 210 treatment of caskets and accessories would be valued at cost price. Adjustments to the companys reported profit In case of fully franked dividend received by the company $21,000 it shall be included in the assessable income of the companys net profit. Fully franked dividends are considered after the tax payment, which is required to be included in the assessable income by the receiver as per ITAA 97. In order to avoid the double taxation system the Australian Taxation system works through the imputation system which enable the shareholders to take back the taxes paid by the company. The imputation system allows the companies to distribute dividends with franked credits as taxes paid on earnings (Chang, Chen Chen, 2016). Since, the dividend received by the RIP Pty is fully franked, the company shall include such amount in determining the net profit therefore, $21,000 would be included in computation of income for the current accounting year. The company paid $57,000 in March 2016 as storage rental, which was acquired on two years lease expiring on February 2018. The payment for current tax year for four months has been recorded as expenditure in the income statement whereas rest of the amount has been capitalized. As per the provision under division 40 ITAA 97 operating lease payment are treated as expenses incurred by the taxpayer and therefore to be included in the income statement. In case there are advance payments or outstanding payments, it would be recognized in the balance sheet statement of the company (Amberger, Eberhartinger Kasper, 2016). Therefore, the accounting record by RIP Pty Ltd for storage rental expense was correct as the lease obtained by the company was operating lease hence the payment for current tax year would be recorded as expense. Similarly, amount paid related to the next accounting year should be capitalized in the current accounting year. Last case involves advance payment of Long Service Leave to the companys managing director, which means the payment to the employees as paid leave. The companies pay it if the employees serve the employment for a longer period. ITAA 97 section 83-70, subdivision 83- D states that if the leave payment made by the companies before 16 August 1978, then the amount will not be considered as assessable or exemption. In case the payment is made between the period 16 August 1978 and 17 August 1993, it will be taxed at 31.5% including the Medicare Levy 1.5% (Schneider, 2015). Therefore, the amount of $22,000 under Long Service Leave paid by RIP Pty Ltd to the managing director would be subjected to the withholding tax of 31.5%. Out of the total payment, the company is eligible to recognize the payment $15,070 as expenses and the withholding tax $6,930 would be adjusted with the amount of tax liability. Deductions available for the expenditure According to the division 43 under Taxation Ruling 97/25 of ITAA 97 deduction of expenses for capital works is based on the actual amount incurred for construction process. In case the company conducts structural improvements on earthworks or capital expenditure on land for landscaping, demolishing or clearing then such expenses shall not be allowed as deduction to the taxpayer under section 43-70 ITAA 97 (Saltzman, Eibner Enthoven, 2015). Hence, following expenses borne by RIP Pty Ltd are available for deduction in Australian Taxation System: Expenses incurred on construction as preliminary architectural designs amounted to $250,000 Cost of acquiring land in the year 2014 amounted to $1.25 million Amount $2.5 million spent for constructing new premises that was commenced on 1st September 2014 Amount expended on onsite car parking $125,000 that was commenced between the period 1st August and 30th September 2015 Reference List Altshuler, R., Shay, S. E., Toder, E. J. (2015). Lessons the United States can learn from other countries territorial systems for taxing income of multinational corporations.Available at SSRN 2557190. 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International Tax Compliance Agreements and Swiss Bank Privacy Law: A Model Protecting a Principled History.Geo. Wash. Int'l L. Rev.,48, 233. Briguglio, M. (2016). Household Cooperation in Waste Management: Initial Conditions and Intervention.Journal of Economic Surveys,30(3), 497-525. Eze, N. M., Iorwuese, T. E., Abba, W. B. (2016). The Challenges and Imperative of Tax System Reform in Nigeria.International Journal of Economics and Finance,8(3), 151. Feldman, N. E., Katu k, P., Kawano, L. (2016). Taxpayer confusion: Evidence from the child tax credit.The American Economic Review,106(3), 807-835.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Plant Cell Essay Paper Example For Students

The Plant Cell Essay Paper Cell WallSize: Around 1? Basic Function:* Hold the shape of the cell. * Strengthen the cell. Covering the cell membrane of the plant cell, there is the cell wall. The cell wall is composed of two layers of rigid, hard cellulose embedded in compounds like pectin and lignin. Pores in the cell wall allow molecules to pass through. The cell wall has two parts. The primary cell wall is formed during the growth of the cell. After the cell has stopped growing, a secondary cell wall forms. This secondary wall is made of lignin and cellulose, woven together tightly, to prevent further growth and to form and strong protective barrier. We will write a custom essay on The Plant Cell Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now CytoplasmSize: UnmeasurableBasic Function:* Helps dissolve waste products* Creates a medium for vesicles to travel through* Aids in cell metabolism* Serves as a home for the cytoskeleton. The cytoplasm is the jelly-like material that makes up much of the cell. It is 80% water and usually clear in color. It also contains many salts. The liquid portion is referred to as cytosol. In fact, cytoplasm means cell substance. The cytoplasm is also the home of the cytoskeleton, a network ofcytoplasmic filaments that are responsible for the movement of the cell. The cytoplasm is constantly moving and churning due to cytoplasmic streaming. Golgi ApparatusSize: Between 2 and 3?Basic Function:* Serves as processing center for cell. * Packages and processes new proteins. * Prepares proteins for secretion or storage. The Golgi Apparatus is a series of stacked membranes in the cytoplasm that packages proteins for secretion or storage in vesicles. Inside the membranes are sacs of fluid or gel-like substances. The Golgi Apparatus takes proteins in transport sacs from the endoplasmic reticulum and sends it through a series of these membranes. The proteins are then modified as they pass from membrane to membrane. After the vesicle of proteins has finished its trip through the Golgi Apparatus, it buds off the organelle in a Golgi sac, ready to be stored or transported to other parts of the body. Cell MembraneSize: 7 to 8 NM (nanometers)Basic Function:* Controls what enters and exits the cell. * Separates cell from outer environment. On the outside of all cells, there is a layer of protein and lipid (fat) called the cell membrane or the plasma membrane. This membrane is found in ALL cells. The membrane is selectively permeable, meaning it allows some molecules to enter and some not to. The membrane allows molecules in through two forms of transport, active and passive. Passive transport consists of simple diffusion through the pores in the membrane or carrier molecules. Active transport consists of endocytosis, exocytosis, and the sodium-potassium pump. The membrane also protects the cell from the outside environment, keeping the cytoplasm and its organelles in, and all of the stuff outside out. MitochondriaSize: 2 to 3 ?mBasic Function:* Serves as respiration center for cell. * Makes energy for the cell. Floating inside the cytoplasm are a series of fairly large organelles called Mitochondria. These organelles, the size of some bacteria, serve as the cells respiration centers, the place where energy for the cell is produced. Since the Mitochondria serves as a center for energy production, there are varying numbers of mitochondria in different cells. Muscles have many mitochondria due to the amount of energy they need, but skin cells have very few. The mitochondria (singular: mitochondrion) have two membranes. The outer membrane protects the organelle, and the inner membrane is folded into a series cristae or long folds. Endoplasmic ReticulumSize: Highly variableBasic Function:* Serves as transportation system for cell. .uf79f1476c27e3ce4a9e64a3404931e71 , .uf79f1476c27e3ce4a9e64a3404931e71 .postImageUrl , .uf79f1476c27e3ce4a9e64a3404931e71 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf79f1476c27e3ce4a9e64a3404931e71 , .uf79f1476c27e3ce4a9e64a3404931e71:hover , .uf79f1476c27e3ce4a9e64a3404931e71:visited , .uf79f1476c27e3ce4a9e64a3404931e71:active { border:0!important; } .uf79f1476c27e3ce4a9e64a3404931e71 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf79f1476c27e3ce4a9e64a3404931e71 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf79f1476c27e3ce4a9e64a3404931e71:active , .uf79f1476c27e3ce4a9e64a3404931e71:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf79f1476c27e3ce4a9e64a3404931e71 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf79f1476c27e3ce4a9e64a3404931e71 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf79f1476c27e3ce4a9e64a3404931e71 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf79f1476c27e3ce4a9e64a3404931e71 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf79f1476c27e3ce4a9e64a3404931e71:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf79f1476c27e3ce4a9e64a3404931e71 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf79f1476c27e3ce4a9e64a3404931e71 .uf79f1476c27e3ce4a9e64a3404931e71-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf79f1476c27e3ce4a9e64a3404931e71:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Drug Abuse Essay* Moves proteins and vesicles around cell. The Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (or ER) serves as a home for the ribosomes of a cell and as a highway for the cells proteins to be transported on. Being close to the ribosomes allows for the quick transfer of proteins from them to the rest of the cell. This highway is composed of interconnected membranes and vesicles. The process of transporting these newly created proteins is critical to the cell, and is required for furthur survival. The ER is very closely associated with the Golgi Apparatus. VacuoleSize: Varies from 10+? to quite small. Basic Function:* Serves as large storage centers for cell. * Hold water and many nutrientsInside the cell, surrounded by the cytoplasm, is the vacuole. In a plant, the vacuole acts as an extremely large storage area, and serves as a control for the turgor pressure in the cell. The vacuoles that perform the latter are called contracile vacuoles. They take on excess water and then squeeze it out of the cell to prevent cytolysis. The other task of the vacuole is also very important. It stores enzymes and toxic wastes that cannot be stored anywhere else in the cell. Usually, there is only one vacuole per plant cell, and it can take up to nearly 90% of the cells total volume.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Mares Tail and MacKerel Scales in Weather Folklore

Mare's Tail and MacKerel Scales in Weather Folklore Mackerel scales and mare’s tails make lofty ships carry low sails. If you have no idea what this means, you are not alone. Weather proverbs and folklore are being technologically ousted from our everyday vocabulary. In the past, people looked towards nature for clues to ever-changing weather patterns. The Meaning of the Weather Proverb In the past, people looked at the  weather and related it to something in their lives. For instance, cloud types are often described by their shapes in the sky. The mare’s tails are wispy cirrus clouds while the mackerel scales are small clumpy altocumulus clouds resembling fish scales in the sky. In the days of large sailing ships, this meant a storm would be approaching soon and the sails should be lowered to protect from the accompanying high winds. How Has Technology Changed Weather Folklore? Today, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has the Dial-A-Buoy program. Part of the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) the program is designed to give sailors advanced meteorological and oceanographic data. A sailor can literally call for data from a series of buoys all around the world. Dial-A-Buoy will give anyone wind speed and direction, wave height, dew point, visibility, and temperature are updated hourly and available for analysis. With access by phone or the Internet, the relay center at the NASA Stennis Space Center in Mississippi generates a computer voice which will report the current information. With over a million hits a month and countless calls to the center, the NDBC is changing how we use weather information. Need to know the weather? Forget mackerel scales! Todays folklore is all about innovation. Are Mackerel Scales and Mares Tails Good Predictors of Approaching Storms? In short, yes. The cloud systems that develop prior to a storm will often appear clumpy and wispy like a fish scale or horsetail!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Red Alert 10 Signs You Should Avoid That Freelance Writing Client

Red Alert 10 Signs You Should Avoid That Freelance Writing Client When you’re a hungry freelance writer, it can be hard to say no to a prospective client. But not every freelance-writing job is one you should take. Some clients are simply a nightmare. The good news is, you can often tell you’ve got a PITA (Pain In The A*) client before you ever get started. After more than 20 years of freelancing – and 7 years coaching 12,000 writers in my Freelance Writers Den support community online here are my warning signs. 1. The freebie request Based on what I’m hearing, there’s been a resurgence of the ‘free sample’ scam. If you have portfolio samples, there’s no reason to do a custom, unpaid piece as a tryout. These clients rarely hire writers. They just tell you no, and then use all the free-tryout posts and ideas they get. 2. Buy-to-work offers Ever get what sounds like a big-name client who’s dying to put you to work, as soon as you write a check for the computer or supplies they insist you need to do their job? Yeah that’s a popular scam. Even if they send you a check to cover that cost, it bounces. 3. Low pay and promises Many faltering startups have work available now, at terrible pay rates, but they promise it’s only temporary. Don’t believe it. If you start low, you’re likely to stay there. And clients who can’t pay pro rates often go bust. 4. Paid in dreams Some clients have an exciting startup story to tell you, and they’d like you to work for shares of stock in their company (a/k/a equity). Those will be worth a fortune someday, they insist. Only take these gigs if you can afford to never get paid. 5. Paid for the win Some shady companies and nonprofits will ask you to write a grant, Kickstarter campaign, or bid proposal for them, paying you only if they receive the sought-after funds. These are highly unethical. Grants, Kickstarter money, and government-bid funding cannot pay the writer. A similar offer in PR writing is to get paid only if you succeed in securing a story for them in their target magazine. Again, that’s a no-go. You need to get paid for your time, regardless. 6. No-boundaries alert These needy clients are going to ask for your instant-messaging ID. They plan to ding you late at night, on weekends, all the time. And they’re going to birth a calf if you don’t respond right a- -way. If you don’t want to be available to clients 24/7, set your work-hour rules right away. Hint: Set the example 7. Contract phobia Is your new prospect all excited to work with you, but when you ask for a contract, you suddenly hear crickets? Hesitation to sign contracts clearly defines a client unfamiliar with freelancing. That means you’ll spend way too much time training them, or they’re planning to stiff you and don’t want you to be able to sue. Also, don’t agree to, â€Å"We’ll do the contract later.† 8. No deposit, no workee When writing for companies, your request for a 30 to 50 percent up-front deposit will flush out the losers. Experienced, legit companies won’t blink at this requirement. Bogus companies will act like you’re insane. 9. Peer in the Glassdoor Hop on and put in their company name. Read the reviews. I know many writers who could have avoided unpleasant clients and ripoffs, if they’d read Glassdoor first. 10. LinkedIn clues Every good company has a LinkedIn company page. Put their name in a LinkedIn search and narrow your search to ‘Companies.’ No page? They DO have a LinkedIn page? Take a look at how many employees link to it. This is your yardstick for whether the firm is big enough to pay decent rates and have ongoing work. If they have 3 employees, it’s a questionable situation. Feel reassured with 20 linked profiles, and 50+ is best. Watch for red flags If you notice one of the problems above, think hard about whether you want the hassle this client will bring. The time you spend working for clients who underpay or don’t appreciate you is better spent seeking great clients who love you, understand your value, and pay appropriately.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Security Governance Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Security Governance Report - Assignment Example cticed by ISACA will be critically reviewed to identify its limitations as well as strengths, based on its status of implementation at the current scenario. Correspondingly, recommendations will be drawn for the betterment of the policy measures to the intended level. The client base of ISACA is widely distributed among professionals in the information governance sector, in addition with professionals in the controlling, auditing and security fields of various large corporate organizations. It is due to this vividness that securing an effective security system in its IT services has remained crucial in order to attract valuable customers and retain profitability in the long run. The current policy status of the company thus can be observed as substantially effective with due significance to a multidimensional approach and continuous improvements. The enterprise security critique thus reflects the strategic objective of the organization to serve its members around the world with adequate educational and professional development through updated certifications. Correspondingly, the strategies of ISACA have also been developing on a constant basis valuing the participation of a growing membership base of IT professionals. The policy status of the com pany also exhibits the major attention delivered by the company towards anticipating the future needs of the market and developing its strategies on a continuous basis. In accordance, the company currently applies a strategic framework called Strategy 2022 (S22). S22 is noted as an extension to the pre-existing strategy of the company titled Strategy 1, which was introduced in the year 2009 and reframed later in 2012. This particular policy framework is asserted to have a slow evolution process extending over a 10 years horizon, befitting its name S22 (ISACA, 2015). It was with the strategic implementation of S22 that ISACA also emphasized developing its Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT)

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Financial Report on Apple Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Financial Report on Apple Company - Essay Example novative products of the company are- Macintosh PC, iPhone, iPad, iPod, Apple TV, Xserve, software applications such as Mac OS, iOS operating systems, applications and contents on iTunes Store and a collection of support offerings. The company has appointed wide variety of channels such as company owned stores, online, direct sales; value added resellers, telecom operators, wholesalers, retailers to sell the products. The target markets for the company are education, enterprise, government institutions, and individual consumers. Apple has a strong supply chain and ethics in manufacturing which has led the company to increase its customer base and meet market demands. Apple has more than 46,600 full time employees and 2800 contract employees who work full time. The company has annual sales of US$ 65 billion and an annual growth rate of 47 % year on year. The company optimizes user experience through its products, services, software etc. The unique ability of the company to design and manufacture innovative products enables the company to make user experience simple and great adding the â€Å"wow factor† to it. Apple has grown manifold with introduction of iTunes for consumers, where third party applications can be installed. The experience and ease of use offered by Apple products has been the key unique selling proposition of the company. The company has a strong distribution network around the world to make its product available for consumers and also provide after sales service. The company is uniq uely positioned in the market as most innovative with its products of unique design and excellent user experience. The major area of focus for the company has always been research and development, marketing and advertising which allow the company to remain competitive in the market and offer products which add value to the life of consumers. The company employs unique selling points for its products which offer lifestyle to the end users. Apple has established a direct

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Manager Roles Essay Example for Free

Manager Roles Essay 1. â€Å"A Manager’s role is dynamic and complex.† Discuss this statement, supporting your answer with reference to appropriate theory and practice. Manager’s role is to allocate resources and directs the operations, by making the best use of human and financial and material resources to the organization. Managers are required to do planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. Fayol’s theory of a management function which is the POCCC allows the organization to have more effective and efficient in goods and services than other competitors. The dynamic and complex work of a manager is based on interpersonal, informational and decisional roles. Given the above roles according to Henry Mintzberg, the managers are placed in different areas to perform individual task or multiple tasks. Interpersonal roles require a manager to deal outside business like as figurehead who represent as a representative of the company to attend outside meetings and gathering. Commanding is required in manager to direct the department to meet its requirement and coordinating the events to ensure the process of the movement. A good manager spends more time outside his office than in his office, allowing himself to liaise to outside and deemed helpful to the organization. A manager monitors his/her own department by understanding the people involving him/herself to the conversation and receiving the information. Being a the head person, allow the first-hand news or information to receive and screen, hence given the choice of disseminating down to the people in the organization. A good manager will decide whether is appropriate to share and distribute information which is useful to others. Company spokesperson can be a manager to relate official company information to inside and outside of the organization like publicity and benefits of the company. Mainly managers are in this role which is the decisional role; allow him/her decision to plan the changes in th e good and services. Restructuring of the entrepreneurial maybe heavily depends on the managers which refer to the top management. Managers must have the power to control the internal factor like strikes, which company cannot afford stoppage of work. Important factor of dealing customer is required to ensure satisfaction of the customers. Manager must be reasonable to determine the pricing of their products sold to the customers and negotiating with them in a professional way. A good manager take cares of their people by allocating sufficient time and personnel in the organization. Pay has to be determined accordingly to individual’s work and ensuring the fairness among the fellow workers.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Identity Conditions for Indicator State Types within Dretskes Theory of :: Psychology Dretske Papers

Identity Conditions for Indicator State Types within Dretske's Theory of Psychological Content Naturalization ABSTRACT: Within the context of Dretske’s theory of psychological content naturalization, as laid out in Explaining Behavior, the concept of an indicator state type plays a pivotal role. Providing a general (and non-circular) description of the identity conditions for being a token of an indicator state type is a prerequisite for the ultimate success of Dretske’s theory. However, Dretske fails to address this topic. Thus, his theory is incomplete. Several different approaches for specifying these identity conditions are possible; however, each is inadequate. Of the various theories for psychological content naturalization put forward within the past two decades, I believe that a Dretske-style approach that explains the content of a mental state in terms of the causal history of past tokens of that state holds out the most promise of giving us a workable theory describing the role that content plays in learned behavior. While I favor this general approach, the particular theory laid out by Dretske in Explaining Behavior has a shortcoming that must be addressed before his theory can be applied to real systems: Dretske fails to provide an analysis of identity conditions for being a token of an indicator state type. The shortcoming is serious because of the critical role that past tokens of an indicator type play in fixing the content of a current token of the indicator type — without identity conditions, there is no way to specify which previously tokened states among the many that have been instantiated during the learning period of the organism are of that indicator type. I begin with a very brief review of Dretske's theory from Explaining Behavior. Some organisms possess indicator states (i.e., internal states that indicate whether some external conditions hold). For example, organism O may token an instance of I (the internal indicator state type) whenever external conditions F obtain. Prior to learning, I indicates F does not mean F. Let's suppose that external conditions F are relevant in some manner to O's continued functioning, perhaps because environments in which F obtains are environments that are relatively inhospitable for O. Let's also suppose that O is capable of learning using reinforcement information (via operant conditioning), such that future tokenings of I come to cause movements that are appropriate to conditions F. (My use the evaluative term "appropriate" here rests on two assumptions: (1)

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Community Psychology and Public Health Essay

This essay discusses the similarities and differences between two approaches – community psychology and public health that are related to social problems. Each method approaches social problems differently; however there are certain overlapping features. Each method also has its specific strengths and weaknesses. All of these factors will be discussed in this essay. Community psychology and public health  The foundation of public health rests on the practical implementation of attempts to protect and improve a community’s health by applying preventative medicine, sanitary methods, and social science. The goal of public health is to prevent disease and distress from occurring. And here is the first difference between public health and community psychology. Where public health focuses on specific problems, community psychology focuses on the overall quality of life of the individuals within a community. The goal of community psychology is to understand the relationships of the individual with his or her community and society through research and to improve the individual’s life through certain actions. The ideas that drive community psychology are inspiring and motivational, but the ideas have proven to be difficult to put into action items in order to implement them. This is one of the weaknesses of community psychology and one of the causes of the many failed attempts at transforming a community. However, there are also cases of political factors obstructing the implementation of solutions to social problems, as described by Professor Albee in Guernina (1995, p. 85), â€Å"and when Reagan was elected the message went out to the National Institute of Mental Health from the White House saying, ‘We will no longer support any research into the social causes of mental illness we will only support research into the biological, genetic organic causes’. Thus it seems like community psychology is deemed the impractical, unnecessary approach that is too concerned with sociology to make a practical impact on a community. In contrast, the public health approach, that highlights biological and engineering methods, has proven to effectively prevent various diseases and socially abusive behaviours from spreading widely. For example, under the public health regulations in South Africa, the management of human waste in public places was determined and implemented during the 19th century. However, this approach isn’t perfect either, because although the human waste was effectively managed in public places, the problem arose when human waste occurred in terms of intimate actions, such as bathing and toilet hygiene. Neither of the approaches is perfect and both approaches have qualities that can potentially transform a community. In this sense, the merging of the best qualities of both approaches is best described by Gilbert, â€Å"The close affinity between sociology and public health is in terms of unit of study, theory, and method. They share a common concern with populations of individuals, a theoretical orientation toward abstract generalisations and a similar methodological approach. They also share a ‘problem’ focus. To a large extent public health problems are social problems. The social forces that determine whether a health condition will be viewed as a public health problem, are similar to those that define a social problem. † (1995, p. 81) Conclusion Public health can do for a little more of the human touch as experienced in community psychology. And community psychology can benefit from the practical methods as seen in public health solutions. Fortunately this is happening in the socio-ecological approach, which is based on a holistic understanding of the individual, the community, diseases, and health as the outcome of the intricate behaviour patterns that are instilled in individuals and groups through socialization, and who then understand the ways as being normal.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Power of Suppliers Essay

Another force is power of suppliers. Power of the suppliers is important as it will affect the industry. In airline industry, the power of suppliers is quite high since there are only two major suppliers which are Airbus and Boeing hence there are not many choices to airline industry. Nevertheless, the global economic crisis has limited the new entrant and also reducing the upgrade of planes in the immediate future. However, both suppliers provide almost same standard aircraft and hence the switching to Air Asia is low. The supplier of airline companies is the fuel supplier, food supplier, merchandise supplier and aircraft supplier. Other supplier like foods supplier and fuel supplier, the term of the supply must be based on the market condition. Hence, the supplier cannot increase too much of its price or risk losing long term business with the aircraft companies. Besides that, Airasia has high switching costs. Most of Airasia’s aircraft are Airbus models. Previously, the company used Boeing models, which they lease it and the company had since phased out most of the models and replace with Airbus. If Airasia is to switch to Boeing again, then the cost will be high. This is because training cost for employees to suit the aircraft features must be provided. Furthermore, the technology used by Airbus is the most advanced, thus Airasia must rely to the Airbus’ engineers to do maintenance of the aircrafts and seek advices. if the Airbus does not to cooperate with Air Asia, Air Asia will not have no suppliers to do the maintenance. nThus, bargaining power of suppliers is strong.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Canadian Interest Groups essays

Canadian Interest Groups essays Interest group representation in Canada identifies society's influence on the governing body and the policies decided upon in the legislative setting. The composition of interest groups has evolved over time and has lead to study of three distinct approaches to the power the representational groups have. The growth and change of interests in the Canadian state are dependent upon the structure between societal and government values. An interest group refers to "a group of individuals bound together to excerpt pressure upon the government to achieve a common goal and acquire a common benefit." The Canadian government can not deal with the immense responsibility, which is delegated to it without interacting with every "major sector of national institutional structure." The interaction gives interest groups a great deal of power because they provide the organization and the knowledge required by the government to oversee the numerous demands and then present the issues back to the government in an easily understandable process. Single issues or individual influence groups are the basic building blocks of modern pressure groups. Every interest is "seen as expressing a combined purpose" of individuals that have come together to achieve certain objectives. These groups have limited organizational skills and lack the knowledge of government to succeed in the few specific issues on their objective. Single issues interest groups usually have a fluid membership base, which use the media and extreme action to obtain their goals. The groups usually are fighting for a change in private or public policy they find unfair of unjust. These groups tend to disband when they reach their goals (or concede defeat). Although single interests groups are not completely ineffective, their "tendency towards fanaticism" makes them not well liked in the beacratic community and in turn do not stay around for to long. The main key to success for these g...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Printable Beginning Level Tense Review Quiz

Printable Beginning Level Tense Review Quiz This quiz is for in-class use and does not have the answers provided. What ____________ you ____________ (do)? Im you doare you doingdid you do____________ you always ____________ (get up) at 7 oclock?Do you always get upAre you always getting upDo always you get up____________ John ____________ (have, got) a motorbike?Does John have gotHas John gotHave John gotAt the moment he ____________ (have) havinghavinghasJohn doesnt like playing football, but he ____________ (love) playing lovinglovelovesLast winter he ____________ (go) by train from Rome to Paris.goedhas gonewentMary ____________ (not, be) at work at the moment. Shes at home.isnt beingisntdoesnt beNext Tuesday my brother ____________ (go) to Rome.wentgoesis goingThey ____________ (take) their children to Spain last year.did taketooktakedWhat time ____________ he ____________ (arrive) home last Tuesday?did he arrivesdid he arrivedoes he arriveHe ____________ (work) on the computer at the workingworksdoes workWhat ____________ they ____________ (do)? They re they doingare they doingdo they do When ____________ you ____________ (go) to Rome last year?you wentdid you godid you went____________ you ____________ (have, got) any brothers or sisters?Has you gotDo you have gotHave you gotJohn doesnt like going to the beach, but he ____________ (love) going to the park.lovesdoesnt loveis lovingNext Saturday John ____________ (come) to visit his friends.comesis comingwill comePeter ____________ (be) on holiday now. He isnt at home.will beisis going to beShe ____________ (teach) her husband cooking last winter.did teachteachedtaught____________ he always ____________ (have) dinner at 7 oclock?Is he always havingDoes he always hasDoes he always haveLast winter she ____________ (drive) to Germany.drovedriveddid drive____________ you ____________ (have, got) a good job?Do you gotHave you gotHas you gotWhere ____________ she ____________ (study) English last year?did she studydid she studiedhas she studiedMary likes visiting friends, but she ____________ (like) talking on the telephone .doesnt likelikesisnt liking She ____________ (watch) a video at the moment.watchedwatchesis watchingHe ____________ (take) his friend to the theater last week.tookedhas takentookMary ____________ (not, be) on holiday now. Shes at home.isntwont beisnt beingWhat ____________ you ____________ (do)? Im playing the you doingdo you doare you doingNext Thursday my sister ____________ (visit) the new museum.will visitvisitsis going to visit____________ you always ____________ (finish) work at 5 oclock?Do you always finishAre you always finishingDid you always finishedThey ____________ (ride) the train to Sweden last summer.did riderodehave riddenWhat ____________ you ____________ (do) this evening? Im doing my homework.will you dodo you doare you doing____________ she often ____________ (telephone) in the evening?Does she often telephoneIs she often telephoningWill she often telephones____________ they ____________ (have, got) a car?Have they gotDo they have gotHas they gotAt the moment they ____________ (read ) a book.are going to readreadsare reading I ____________ (teach) my students about the USA yesterday.taughtedtaughthave taughtJennifer doesnt like working in the office, but she ____________ (love) working at home.lovesdoesnt loveisnt lovingNext Wednesday my brother ____________ (have) dinner at that new going to havewill havehasShe ____________ (fly) to the USA last winter.fliedhas flownflewThomas ____________ (not, be) at the office tomorrow. Hes on holiday.isnt going to bewont beenisntWhat ____________ she ____________ (do) yesterday afternoon?did she dodoes she dois she doing____________ Thomas ____________ (have, got) a television?Have Thomas gotHas Thomas gotDoes Thomas has gotWhere ____________ they ____________ (go) on holiday last summer?did they wenthave they gonedid they goAlice loves walking in the countryside, and she ____________ (like) going to the gym.doesnt likelikelikesAt the moment she ____________ (listen) to some music.listensis listeninghas listened____________ he always ____________ (play ) tennis on Saturdays?Do he always playDoes he always playsDoes he always play Mary isnt at work at the moment. She ____________ (be) at home.iswill behas beenWhat ____________ he ____________ (do)? Hes washing up.does he dois he doinghas she doneThey ____________ (fly) to Mexico last summer.has flownflewdid flyShe ____________ (ask) her husband to help her yesterday evening.askeddid askhas askedNext Saturday my friend ____________ (come) to have lunch with comingcomeswill comes Find more printable quizzes for your class, or use the wide variety of English lesson plans available on the site to copy exercises for in-class use. Also, try the Beginner Level Grammar Quiz for another challenge or move on to the Intermediate Level Quiz.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Business Plan Decs Decking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Business Plan Decs Decking - Essay Example Items such as quantity of work output as well as attendance and quality of output will be measured. For each employee who illustrates superior total performance, a (not yet determined) monetary supplement will be added to their base salary in recognition for their efforts. 21 Establishing such a system ensures the integrity of the company, as well as satisfying total quality management objectives. The aim is to ensure employee satisfaction, while still building a community reputation for quality products and services. 21 Decs Decking and Landscaping has established three specific objectives in the pursuit of creating growth and short-term profitability; which the ownership deems as a viable set of business requirements. These include: The business and its ownership believes that these objectives are highly attainable, achieved through aggressive advertising and promotion, as well as establishing business relationships with various suppliers. Decs Decking and Landscaping intends to pursue its expanded objective of establishing remote facilities by conducting marketing research (customer demographic studies) to determine which geographical regions are most suited to the high-end services that the business provides. We believe that the key to success for contemporary businesses lies in maintaining a superior level of customer service. Our mission is to provide superior products and services while maintaining our uncompromising principles as the business continues to grow. Decs Decking and Landscaping will utilise three specific guiding principles to assist in measuring the effectiveness of our decision-making: Consistently improving on the level of customer service that Decs Decking and Landscaping provides. Measuring this level of customer satisfaction will be accomplished through the utilisation of surveys and questionnaires aimed at gathering customer perceptions of their level of received service

Friday, November 1, 2019

Is simulation an effective educational tool in teaching procedural Dissertation

Is simulation an effective educational tool in teaching procedural skills to pediatric residents - Dissertation Example The use of simulation technologies for medical training has been studied by the SAEM (Society for Academic Emergency Medicine), the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, and the CEMRD (Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors) among others. The use of simulators relegates the need for learning through observing and doing. It is considered to be a safer alternative to the traditional methods for providing medical training. Through simulation experience, medical trainees can acquire procedural experience in addition to medical knowledge. There are also other newer methods in use in medical education such as computer or web-based training and using virtual reality systems. The simulation can involve exercises with the full body, provide immersive environments or scenarios, or involve specific tasks or procedures. â€Å"High-fidelity simulators are full-body automated mannequins designed to provide realistic tactile, auditory, and visual stimuli† (Vozenilek et al., 2004). Hence, si mulations can also involve the use of models such as mannequins or other anatomic structures instead of being entirely computer-based. The quality of the mannequins is improving, as technology develops so as to provide an increasingly realistic experience. In immersive simulation, there is greater provision for developing organization, communication and multitasking abilities alongside. The benefits and long-term effectiveness of simulation training Numerous studies have shown the benefits of simulation training. For example, Rosenthal et al. 2006) showed how scenario-based simulation training (SST) can be effective for medical interns to develop airway management skills. A study by Overly et al. (2007) demonstrated the usefulness of HFS as an assessment tool specifically for developing the ability of pediatric residents to manage acute airways. The study was observational based involving 16 residents and 2 scenarios. The success rate was 56%. Thus, many areas were identified for im proving skills but HFS had the potential for assessing ability as well as for teaching the necessary skills for managing acute pediatric airways. According to the Center for Medical Simulation (CMS, 2009), providing simulation practice leads to â€Å"improved real-world communication, collaboration, teamwork, and crisis management†. Residents also appreciate the value of simulators but prefer training in the form of small-group sessions (Shanks et al., 2010). The advantages of simulation training prove to be especially beneficial in cases where the required care involves high risk or invasive procedures, when training for difficult environments and preparing for disaster scenarios. For example, Hayden et al. (2002) suggested simulations are ideal â€Å"for low frequency but critical procedures†. These procedures would usually be applied in life-threatening situations such as cardiopulmonary arrest for example. Training for rare events tends to be uneven across a large number of medical residents and many residents never get the opportunity to witness or manage such an event, let alone one in which a child is involved (Becker, 2007). Hence, simulation training provides this much need opportunity so that when a real situation is faced, there is better preparation. Instilling confidence in trainees is of particularly importance where the risk to patients is high. In Becker’s (2007) study, assessment was made of how prepared radiology residents were for recognizing and managing children’

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Human Resource Planning Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Human Resource Planning - Article Example Human Resource Planning Human Resource Departments should be particularly cautious in protecting their employees. Other media companies such as New York Times back the statement that, insurance companies use confusing and technical terms in establishing contracts with the Human Resource Departments. The Human Resource Management and Services, treasury, and labor departments lead in these grievances. This is because insurance companies fail in their responsibility thus calling for concern throughout a company. The article also discusses issues regarding exploitation of employees by employers. In most organizations, the management forces the employees to work extra hours to meet the prevailing demand, but in hand get nothing. There is an emphasis on the standard basis of accounting in relation to extra time, and other over-time allowances. From the article, it is evident that Human Resource Planning is increasing its value daily. Awareness should be created to educate employees on their rights. A notification is crucial as it will help in guiding employees in different fields such as insurance, among others. This is because planning is a key determiner of growth and development in an organization. It is easy to distiguish the aspects of HRP; it enhances the importance of planning in Human Resource Management.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

History of Fashion in Western Society

History of Fashion in Western Society History of Fashion. Fashion has always been a reflection of the collective consciousness and unconsciousness of society.   In politically conservative times, fashion reflects the staidness of the majority, but also the subversive elements of the minority.   No less a controversial figure than King Louis XIV of France was rumored to have said that fashion was a mirror.   Music, films, and television, all potent pop culture mirrors in their own right of the anxieties, hopes, and dreams of any society, all collectively form a synergistic relationship with fashion, each informing, influencing, and cross-pollinating the others in various turns.   Fashion is also a pop culture manifestation of the intellectual and cultural trend of postmodernism.   Fashion depends on newness; summer, fall, winter, spring are seasons that occur inexorably each year, and with them, the demand for new fashion lines.   The inexhaustible hunger for new ideas and inspirations in fashion and other pop culture arenas lead s inevitably to cannibalization, plagiarism, re-contextualization, and re-imagination of ideas past and present – the essence of postmodernism.   If we survey the landscape of where pop culture and fashion have been, we can to some degree predict the elements which may define where it will go, though in the postmodern universe of the 21st century, it is next to impossible to predict what incarnations will come to pass. Fashion is the byproduct of a leisure society that has transcended many of the basic human struggles on the lower level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.   Most people in prosperous Western nations are fortunate enough to lead lives in which the acquisition and/or maintenance of food, shelter, and clothing is not a struggle that consumes their existence, as is sadly true in many African nations, for example.   Free to ponder the meaning of their lives and the many ways in which it is possible for humans to express their inner thoughts and feelings, citizens of the leisure society began to use fashion as a mode of self-expression and reflection of any number of zeitgeists of their time.   As far back as the 1700s, French women consulted fashion magazines to learn the latest fashion trends.   Sketch artists were present in royal courts to make note of the fashion choices made by the ruling classes, and communicated these ideas to dressmakers across the nation, who in turn crafted facsimiles for those who were able to afford such fashion mimicry.   The French have historically held a special place in the fashion universe since this time.  Ã‚   As the 1800s and 1900s saw Western societies evolve from agrarian societies to industrial societies, with the concurrent increase in wealth and disposal income, the focus on and indulgence in fashion increased.   With the advent of pop music, most notably rock-and-roll in the 1950s, and television, teenagers all around the world saw the likes of Elvis Presley and his gyrating hips, causing a global fashion sensation.   Boys everywhere began to sport white t-shirts (in whose sleeves the more raucous ones rolled packs of cigarettes), blue jeans, and grease their hair.   Celebrities from the arenas of music, film, and then television became the new royalty, the new elites, for Western cultures, and the fashion trends they embodies became inspirations for millions in each successive generation. The messages of rock-and-roll became more complex, subversive, and powerful in the 1960s, corresponding with the United States’ controversial entry into the Vietnam War and a wholesale rejection on both sides of the Atlantic of many of the traditional values of the Cold War era.   The Beatles’s turn from fresh-scrubbed, feel-good bubblegum pop to psychedelic and metaphysical subject matter influences a new set of fashion trends which shocked the Establishment to the core.   Men and women everywhere began wearing colorful (both literally and figuratively), outrageously expressive, and even outlandish fashions, and allowing their hair to grow long. The exhaustion from the myriad political and socio-cultural revolutions of the 1960s, and the stagnant Western economies of the 1970s gave way to a culture preoccupied with escapism and simply having a good time.   Sit-ins and political protests gave way to champagne-filled boogie nights.   The flower-power psychedelia fashion trends of the late 1960s and early 1970s gave way to the groovy leisure suit styles inspired by the music trend of disco that consumed the world from roughly 1976 to 1980 and cemented by the global box office phenomenology of the film Saturday Night Fever, starring John Travolta and featuring a soundtrack packed with disco hits written by the Bee Gees.   The tight-fitting and well-cut suits worn by Travolta, and the sexy, stylish dresses and pantsuits of the women in the film inspired millions to change their wardrobes accordingly.   On the tail end of the disco era came a brief but potent preoccupation with cowboy fashion, inspired by the peculiar util itarian clothing from the American Old West – cowboy boots, rugged blue jeans, ten-gallon cowboy hats, etc., again propelled into the collective fashion consciousness of the world by another hugely successful film, 1982’s Urban Cowboy. At the same time the fashion trends inspired by disco and cowboy culture were dying out, the realm of the political again profoundly affected the universe of fashion.   The elections of conservative political figureheads Margaret Thatcher in England and Ronald Reagan in the U.S. sparked a schizophrenic revolution in clothing and music:   as economic recoveries were engineered on the backs of the working poor, the culture that proclaimed â€Å"greed is good† took to reveling in the wearing conservative, yet expensive or even shocking clothing – furs, for example which reflected the mindset of conspicuous consumption.   Simultaneously, those cultural elements who were not benefiting from the economic boom were rebelling against the conservative establishment trends and adopting controversial styles embodied, for example, in the slut-chic clothing popularized by the music and videos of Madonna.   Music videos, a new invention in pop culture and institutionalized b y the power of MTV, became a new showcase for outrageous fashion statements in the 1980s and beyond. The greed and spiritual bankruptcy of the 1980s gave way to the hippie nouveaux culture of the Earth-and-cause-friendly early-to-mid 1990s, and then to the greed nouveaux culture of the late 1990s, spawned by the phenomenal economic growth of the Internet boom.   By this time, pop culture had begun to liberally cannibalize itself for new ideas, having exhausted much of its potential for true originality.   As technology and civilization continue their exponential evolution of consumption, genuinely original ideas become more and more difficult to generate, leading fashion designers to borrow from past ideas, to combine hitherto uncombined or un-combinable ideas, as evidenced by the infamous phrase â€Å"What’s old is new; what’s new is old.† The early 21st Century is a time of profound uncertainty in fashion, with a myriad of recycled influences competing for the crown of the next hot fashion trend.   The inherent self-referentiality and cannibalism of post-modernism, however, makes it virtually impossible to predict which trends will take hold and when.   The next decade will make for a fascinating time in the universe of fashion.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Is The Illegalization Of Marijuana Valid? :: pot should be legal

Is The Illegalization of Marijuana Valid? The debate over the legalization of Cannabis sativa, more commonly known as marijuana, has been one of the most heated controversies ever to occur in the United States. Its use as a medicine has existed for thousands of years in many countries world wide and is documented as far back as 2700 BC in ancient Chinese writings. When someone says ganja, cannabis, bung, dope, grass, rasta, or weed, they are talking about the same subject: marijuana. Marijuana should be legalized because the government could earn money from taxes on its sale, its value to the medical world outweighs its abuse potential, and because of its importance to the paper and clothing industries. This action should be taken despite efforts made by groups which say marijuana is a harmful drug which will increase crime rates and lead users to other more dangerous substances. The actual story behind the legislature passed against marijuana is quite surprising. According to Jack Herer, author of The Emperor Wears No Clothes, the acts bringing about the demise of hemp were part of a large conspiracy involving DuPont, Harry J. Anslinger, commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN), and many other influential industrial leaders such as William Randolph Hearst and Andrew Mellon. Herer notes that the Marijuana Tax Act, which passed in 1937, coincidentally occurred just as the decoricator machine was invented. With this invention, hemp would have been able to take over competing industries almost instantaneously. According to Popular Mechanics, "10,000 acres devoted to hemp will produce as much paper as 40,000 acres of average [forest] pulp land." William Hearst owned enormous timber acreage so his interest in preventing the growth of hemp can be easily explained. Competition from hemp would have easily driven the Hearst paper-manufacturing company out of business and significantly lowered the value of his land. Herer even suggests popularizing the term "marijuana" was a strategy Hearst used in order to create fear in the American public. Herer says "The first step in creating hysteria was to introduce the element of fear of the unknown by using a word that no one had ever heard of before... 'marijuana'". DuPont's involvement in the anti-hemp campaign can also be explained with great ease. At this time, DuPont was patenting a new sulfuric acid process for producing wood-pulp paper. According to the company's own records, wood-pulp products ultimately accounted for more than 80% of all DuPont's railroad car loadings for the 50 years the Marijuana Tax Act was passed. It should also be said that two years before the prohibitive hemp tax in 1937, DuPont developed

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Tourism and Fastest Growing Industries

Tourism as an industry has been travelling with the wild pace of technological advancements and aboard are people from different places and cultures interacting with increasing ease†¦. since, the globe had been shrunk into a village. Unlike our predecessors, we can affordably and in a shorter time travel across the world in large numbers comparatively safe. Tourism being one of the biggest and fastest growing industries globally, its benefits and the challenges, keenly observed by governments affects the economic, socio-cultural, environmental and educational resources of nations.The positive effects of tourism on a country’s economy include the growth and development of various industries directly linked with a healthy tourism industry, such as transportation, accommodation, wildlife, arts and entertainment. This brings about the creation of new jobs and revenue generated from foreign exchange, investments and payments of goods and services provided.Though improvements i n the standard of living of locals in heavily visited tourist destinations is usually little or non-existent, inflation of the prices of basic commodities, due to visiting tourists, is a constant feature of these areas. The nature of the world economy dictates that it’s mostly people from developed nations who travel as tourist to the developing ones, much more than do people from developing nations visit as tourist the developed ones.This results in a downward stream of cultural influences that in cases have proven to be detrimental, as they were not in cohesion with the environment, economy and culture of these hosts, who cannot in that same capacity exchange influences. For example, it is common knowledge that most tourist destinations are plagued with prostitution; this has had dire consequences for the culture, economy and health of these tourist coveted nations, but is reported to be a major boost for tourism.The environment can be greatly affected by tourism in cases w here the attraction is a vista of nature’s beauty, visits of people in large numbers could mean huge amounts of treading and pollution of materials such as plastic waste, bottles, which in the long run could be disruptive to the habitats of both faunal and floral life. Assessments into the capacity of people an area can safely bear environmentally, security and facility-wise are important in the protection and preservation of these vistas beaming with nature’s beauty.The responsibility falls on hosts, who must make it a point to inform and educate visitors on acceptable behaviours and dangers posed by going against the advised codes of conduct, such as disposing waste haphazardly. In the quest to provide facilities for tourists the environment has been affected in other ways, large hotels and other facilities for tourists and likes consume large amounts of power in their quest to provide a long list of patrons with all the ‘hip’ electronic comforts.The tou rist themselves face several difficulties in their quest for, journey and stay in these foreign lands, such as the sometimes tiring search for visas and the duration of stay permitted by the host country. Another is security; most places because of frequent tourist visits have become targets for criminal activities such as kidnapping and terrorism. Nonetheless in true nature of the human spirit tourism continues to be one of the fastest growing industries worldwide†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. besides, what would adventure be? Tourism and Fastest Growing Industries Tourism as an industry has been travelling with the wild pace of technological advancements and aboard are people from different places and cultures interacting with increasing ease†¦. since, the globe had been shrunk into a village. Unlike our predecessors, we can affordably and in a shorter time travel across the world in large numbers comparatively safe. Tourism being one of the biggest and fastest growing industries globally, its benefits and the challenges, keenly observed by governments affects the economic, socio-cultural, environmental and educational resources of nations.The positive effects of tourism on a country’s economy include the growth and development of various industries directly linked with a healthy tourism industry, such as transportation, accommodation, wildlife, arts and entertainment. This brings about the creation of new jobs and revenue generated from foreign exchange, investments and payments of goods and services provided.Though improvements i n the standard of living of locals in heavily visited tourist destinations is usually little or non-existent, inflation of the prices of basic commodities, due to visiting tourists, is a constant feature of these areas. The nature of the world economy dictates that it’s mostly people from developed nations who travel as tourist to the developing ones, much more than do people from developing nations visit as tourist the developed ones.This results in a downward stream of cultural influences that in cases have proven to be detrimental, as they were not in cohesion with the environment, economy and culture of these hosts, who cannot in that same capacity exchange influences. For example, it is common knowledge that most tourist destinations are plagued with prostitution; this has had dire consequences for the culture, economy and health of these tourist coveted nations, but is reported to be a major boost for tourism.The environment can be greatly affected by tourism in cases w here the attraction is a vista of nature’s beauty, visits of people in large numbers could mean huge amounts of treading and pollution of materials such as plastic waste, bottles, which in the long run could be disruptive to the habitats of both faunal and floral life. Assessments into the capacity of people an area can safely bear environmentally, security and facility-wise are important in the protection and preservation of these vistas beaming with nature’s beauty.The responsibility falls on hosts, who must make it a point to inform and educate visitors on acceptable behaviours and dangers posed by going against the advised codes of conduct, such as disposing waste haphazardly. In the quest to provide facilities for tourists the environment has been affected in other ways, large hotels and other facilities for tourists and likes consume large amounts of power in their quest to provide a long list of patrons with all the ‘hip’ electronic comforts.The tou rist themselves face several difficulties in their quest for, journey and stay in these foreign lands, such as the sometimes tiring search for visas and the duration of stay permitted by the host country. Another is security; most places because of frequent tourist visits have become targets for criminal activities such as kidnapping and terrorism. Nonetheless in true nature of the human spirit tourism continues to be one of the fastest growing industries worldwide†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. besides, what would adventure be?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

World Resources – scarcity and conflict

In the 1960s, one photograph changed the way world leaders, scientists and the general population thought about the management of the world's resources. People became concerned about the world's resources running out. This photograph was our Earth. When world leaders saw this photograph taken from space, the world looked for the first time the world looked small and finite, this is because there is so many people on this planet and there needs to be consideration on what resources we use, and how much we use of them. The term ‘spaceship earth' is applied here to describe how people felt about the Earth's resources†¦they were limited just as a spaceship has limited reserves of air, water and food. Before world leaders were in illusion thinking that the world's resources were in abundance. Some resources are non renewable meaning that after they run out there is no way of replacing them, and they only reform after millions of years these resources are called fossil fuels. There are three types of fossil fuels (crude oil, coal and natural gas). These resources are the resources the world should be concerned about and therefore use it sparingly. However the fossil fuels although the most important are not the only non renewable resources, others include food and forests. There are other resources called renewable energy sources which are starting to be developed such as biomass and wind power which takes the earth's natural processes such as wind and through certain mechanisms covert it into energy which can be used for electricity. So in answer to the question, the fossil fuels are the most important world resources, however there are other non renewable world resources that have to be carefully used otherwise certain things couldn't happen, for example imagine what the world would be like without out any wood. When the first maps of the world were created, many parts of the world were not discovered and therefore because society in that day and age believed in sea creatures and mermaids and other such things, everyone thought two things, firstly that at the end of the world was limitless and secondly that at the end of the worlds there were sea monsters. The first maps of the world were flat. Naturally many incorrect assumptions had been made, the world was not limitless and of course no sea monsters. However as countries began to be discovered the world seemed to become limitless and powerful. People began to have a care free attitude about the resources because they thought they would never run out. Things started to go downhill when it was discovered that the world was actually round, people started to believe that the world was not limitless, however they still remained in the delusion that the world's resources were not going to run out any time soon and then therefore continued with their care free attitude. It was not until the 1960's that people began to get worried about the world's resources and decide to do something not to waste electricity (which in theory is the product of fossil fuels). This diagram shows how many people began to care about the world. Background There are two main official views in regard to the world's resources running out. These are optimists and pessimists: Optimists View Optimists believe that the world's resources are eventually going to run out, but we can delay that happening, and our future is not doomed. Because the is such talk and media coverage of the world's resources running out optimists hope that people will alter their lifestyle and take certain measures to delay the world's resources running out such as turning their computers off at night. Optimists also believe because of advanced technology and science, we can discover more and more alternative fuels, optimists believe that people would use alternative energy sources as it is cheap and therefore more economical. In the future optimists believe that there should be a more equal distribution of the world's resources. Famous optimists include E.Boserup and J.Simon. Pessimists View These people believe that the world's resources have a finite limit and could eventually run out or be damaged beyond repair. In 1970, 10 countries, known as the Club of Rome, met in order to discuss resource management. Their report, entitled ‘The Limits to Growth', made predictions about a world where continued industrial and population growth would consume both resources and food supplies. This Club believed that population increase are the reason why world resources are running out because there is more demand for it; they put forward the idea of preventive checks. An example of one of their ideas is the one child policy; they wanted to make the one child and international policy. Famous pessimists include P.Ehrlich. Factors that are causing the World's Resources to Decrease There are a few main factors that are causing the world's resources to decrease. Population Because there is such a growth of population, people are needing more and more energy in their house. This is best displayed in a case study: In the year 2000 Family A (comprising of a husband and wife) used 20,000kg of energy per year. In 2002 they had their first child. Before Family A didn't watch that much T.V., however now because their child needs entertainment, the T.V. is turned on for the whole day even if the child is not watching. So in 2003 their yearly consumption increased to 25,000kg. Now think of this on an international scale and everyday the population is using up more and more world resources. Optimists say that creating new alternative energy sources rather than using the fossil fuels up, is the way forward. Pessimists say that the way forward is to enforce an international one child policy, to over populated areas to balance the population out to one of an optimum population. However I agree with the pessimists but I don't think there should be an international one child policy, but as a whole unit we need to find a method to achieve optimum population and taking into consideration a specific area's carrying capacity and therefore move into the direction of sustainable development. Economic Threats Because of the current economic downturn people are turning to cheaper ways to provide heat, water and electricity to their houses they are put off by the idea of alternative energy sources such as solar panels because they can't afford it Case Study-Diamonds (Sierra Leone) In this day and age diamonds are such a controversial issue, as most people in the West think diamonds are nice stones that are on their rings, however twenty years ago 40% of all diamonds were somehow in the process of buying/selling at least one illegal transaction was carried out, now due to the Kimberly agreement and other factors including media this figure has decreased to 25%. Diamonds are a world resource that is limited as they will eventually run out. Sierra Leone is a country located in the north west of Africa. Sierra Leone is one of the largest diamond producer in the world this is because of it's geographical location, it's relief and finally because it has so many mines. This is still unfortunately has not lead to the economic development of the country, because rebel troops take over the mines and take all profits. Sometimes diamonds are fought over; these diamonds are known as conflict/blood diamonds. Sierra Leone's Conflict Diamonds In 1991, Sierra Leone a rebel force known as the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) launched assaults against the government. A military government was set up, yet this did not deter the RUF attacks. From the beginning, the RUF became allies with Liberia. Their goal was officially to combat crime and corruption but it soon became clear that their main aim was to take control of the diamond mines. The RUF would take prisoners and enslave them to work in the diamond mines. The work conditions were horrible and they were punished for the slightest things. Anyone opposed to the RUF's methods and practices would be brutally punished. All this was unknown to – or perhaps ignored by – the outside world for many years. UN studies estimate that about $125 million worth of rough diamonds were bought by the diamond industry in Europe alone! The equivalent of this money is tens of thousands of people killed and even more hurt. It was only in 1999 that the UN deployed a mission to Sie rra Leone to deal with the problem of Sierra Leone Conflcit Diamonds. Since then, sanctions have been put in place so as to curb such illegal activities. The Kimberly Process Certification Scheme requires a paper trail that certifies the origin of rough diamonds. This aims to cut off the flow of diamonds from countries like Sierra Leone. The question that remains to be answered today is whether the paper trail that accompanies each diamond shipment is for real. Certificates can be forged. Rough diamonds can be smuggled into a â€Å"clean† country. After that, there would be no way of knowing where the gems came from. There is always a willing market somewhere in another country. Traders and buyers don't always ask questions. They are just happy to buy and line their pockets. In an area inflicted with suffering and poverty, there is always an official who would be willing to accept bribes. All it takes is one person to overlook a shipment of blood diamonds. For all we know, there might still be a steady flow of rough conflict diamonds coming from the mines of Sierra Leone today. We do not know any of these facts and figures exactly as the Government is reluctant to let media or aid into the country. In 2000 the BBC published a moving article and photo about diamonds in Sierra Leone. Effects of the BBC Article and Photo The BBC article had a resounding effect on the rest f the world not only did people become more interested in where their diamonds came from, but starting to buy ethical diamonds. Also Kanye West (singer) released a controversial song about diamonds in Sierra Leone which caused more and more people to take an interest of the origins of the diamonds. Also Kanye West refused to wear any type of ‘bling' which influenced many children. Artificial/Man made Diamonds ‘Science have finally found a way to make diamonds-Bad News for Sierra Leone' this was a news headline a few years ago form the BBC. Everyone knew the time would come when science would be able to find a way to make diamonds. There is a plus side and down side for this, firstly the up side. If more people buy synthetic diamonds because they are cheaper, then more people would stop buying diamonds that have been sold but rebel forces. However on the down side the economy of Sierra Leone is plummeting to all time low because more and more people are buying synthetic diamonds because of the recession. The Kimberly Process The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (Kimberley Process) is an international governmental certification scheme that was set up to prevent the trade in diamonds that fund conflict. Launched in January 2003, the scheme requires governments to certify that shipments of rough diamonds are free from blood diamonds. Case Study-Water (Across the Globe) Water is a world resource as we rely on it thoroughly and if we didn't have the sad reality is we would die. Water is not at the moment is shortage, but the way consumption is going in the West in the next one hundred years it could well become shortage. We have a good supply of water in the West, however in LEDCs, water is quite hard to lay hands on. Water is one of the prime essentials for life as we know it. The plain fact is – no water, no life! This becomes all the more worrying when we realise that the worlds supply of drinkable water will soon diminish quite rapidly. In fact a recent report commissioned by the United Nations has emphasised that by the year 2025 at least 66% of the worlds population will be without an adequate water supply. Incalculable damage. As a disaster in the making water shortage ranks in the top category. Without water we are finished, and it is thus imperative that we protect the mechanism through which we derive our supply of this life giving fluid. Unfortunately the exact opposite is the case. We are doing incalculable damage to the planets capacity to generate water and this will have far ranging consequences for the not too distant future. Bleak future The United Nations has warned that burning of fossil fuels is the prime cause of water shortage. While there may be other reasons such as increased solar activity it is clear that this is a situation over which we can exert a great deal of control. If not then the future will be very bleak indeed! Already the warning signs are there. Droughts The last year has seen devastating heatwaves in many parts of the world including the USA where the state of Texas experienced its worst drought on record. Elsewhere in the United States forest fires raged out of control, while other regions of the globe experienced drought conditions that were even more severe. Parts of Iran, Afgahnistan, China and other neighbouring countries experienced their worst droughts on record. These conditions also extended throughout many parts of Africa and it is clear that if circumstances remain unchanged we are facing a disaster of epic proportions. Moreover it will be one for which there is no easy answer. Dangers. The spectre of a world water shortage evokes a truly frightening scenario. In fact the United Nations warns that disputes over water will become the prime source of conflict in the not too distant future. Where these shortages become ever more acute it could forseeably lead to the brink of nuclear conflict. On a lesser scale water, and the price of it, will acquire an importance somewhat like the current value placed on oil. The difference of course is that while oil is not vital for life, water most certainly is! Power shift. It seems clear then that in future years countries rich in water will enjoy an importance that perhaps they do not have today. In these circumstances power shifts are inevitable, and this will undoubtedly create its own strife and tension. Nightmare situation. In the long term the implications do not look encouraging. It is a two edged sword. First the shortage of water, and then the increased stresses this will impose upon an already stressed world of politics. It means that answers need to be found immediately. Answers that will both improve the damage to the environment, and also find new sources of water for future consumption. If not, and the problem is left unresolved there will eventually come the day when we shall find ourselves with a nightmare situation for which there will be no obvious answer. Conclusion Overall I feel that we should be optimistic about the resource management in the future however we should guard about being complacent and consequently wasteful. Science is developing quickly and in the future there will be a system of some sort to enable better management of the resources. However again this doesn't mean we can be wasteful, also we have to make sure that we use certain resources more conservatively to ensure future generations live happily. On the other hand however if we implant many more alternative energy resources (i.e. wind power instead of coal) then future generations will use them as the norm, rather than the present day generation who have to deal with this cross over stage that we are undergoing now-the Government encouraging other sources of energy, however when we look at these the prices are sky high. To ensure that we manage resources so that it is more sustainable, I propose certain plans: 1) Increase price of electricity and gas, decrease price of alternative energy sources (for example solar panels). This would hopefully on the economic side of things encourage people to use alternative fuel. 2) Carry out a major distribution project of the world resources, ensuring each country has roughly the same amount. 3) Set up a kind of police to make sure diamonds are not being sold or mined illegally, through slavery or through violence. This will ensure the decrease the amount of conflict or blood diamonds. Finally, I have outlined five strategies for using more sustainability in my daily life: 1) Have a shower, rather than a bath. This will decrease the amount of water I use, reduce the water bills and make it more efficient cleaning process. 2) When shopping with my parents, I should encourage them to look at the label and check where the product comes from, and therefore try to get the product, which has the least food miles. 3) Encourage my parents to buy energy saving bulbs, which last longer, and are more sustainable. 4) When going out turn off my computer rather than leaving it on standby. 5) When making a cup of tea, don't fill the kettle right to the top, as that wastes, water and energy.