Monday, September 30, 2019

Leeming’s Monomyth in Regards to Apocalypse Now

John Jarvis Mythology 211 October 1, 2012 Apocalypse Now Redux: Symbolically Mythology Nothing affixes attention, especially in literature and cinematic entertainment, more readily than a hero. Heroes and their journeys are the central focuses in many famous stories, either ancient or modern. The idea of the journey of a hero and their triumph is referred to as a monomyth, and there are a few approaches to determining if a story is or is not a monomyth. In his book Mythology: The Voyage of a Hero, David Adams Leeming proposes a method that involves eight steps or phases that coincide with the life and journey of the hero.Many of our culture’s most revered and acclaimed movies fit the description of a monomyth, including Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now Redux. The entire movie takes place during the Vietnam War and depicts the hero, Army Special Operations Captain Willard, on his quest up a river to kill a psychotic Army officer, Colonel Kurtz. Francis Ford Coppolaà ¢â‚¬â„¢s Apocalypse Now Redux coincides with David Adams Leeming’s method of a monomyth because Captain Willard symbolically undergoes every aspect of Leeming’s eight part process.Leeming’s system first starts off with the birth of the hero, and the first scene of the movie corresponds to this point perfectly. The scene begins with Captain Willard in a hotel drinking heavily, and he eventually makes a very gloomy aside. In his aside, Willard states that he is back in Vietnam and that when he is back in America he can’t stand the fact that he is not in Vietnam. Willard notions to the fact that now that he is back he feels like he has a purpose, and it becomes apparent to the audience that the war has consumed Willard’s life.Near the end of the hotel scene, two NCOs find Willard in an extremely drunken state and wash him in the shower in order to make him presentable enough to receive his next mission. While Willard is not literally being born, the a ct of the NCO’s washing him and making him new so that he can go back to performing secret missions, in a sense his life, is symbolic of birth or in some ways rebirth. Now that the hero has been born, the next phase in Leeming’s method is that the hero is made aware of greater forces, usually those which the hero will eventually face.The segment in the movie that relates to this point occurs immediately after the hotel scene, when Captain Willard is briefed about his mission by a few higher ranking military officers. The officers inform Willard that his mission is to kill a rogue and mentally unstable special operations officer, Colonel Kurtz. Colonel Kurtz was once a highly decorated and respected officer, but the briefing officers inform Willard that Kurtz is now acting on his own accord killing at will with an army of people following him who worship him like a god.By the end of the briefing, Willard is made aware of the greater force that he must face. After the he ro is made aware of greater forces, Leeming notes that the hero withdrawals for a period of time to prepare to face the greater force. A little while after the briefing, Captain Willard boards a boat and orders the crew to take him up river. Willard takes time to reflect, in the form of another internal aside, upon his mission in the time before he and the crew run in to anything on the river.Willard shows his concern for the rather novice and oblivious boat crew. He also wonders about what exactly he will encounter on the river, what he will find out about Colonel Kurtz when he finds him, and what Willard will ultimately find out about himself. Following the hero’s preparation to endure their quest, the next step is for the hero to embark on their journey. On this journey, a hero typically displays traits that affirm that he or she is in fact a hero. Likewise, Captain Willard exhibits several examples that affirm his heroic demeanor.An instance where Willard shows that he ha s concern for his subordinates, the boat crew, occurs when he trades supplies at an outpost so that the boat crew can have a few hours with a couple of playboy bunnies that are stranded at the outpost. Another example of Willard’s concern for his men happens when they encounter a French plantation further down the river. One of the members of the boat crew had been killed, and Willard requested the permission to bury him on the plantation. Willard also illustrates the concept of putting the mission first when the boat crew, against Willard’s orders, searches a Vietnamese shanty boat.The crew mistakenly fires on the innocent Vietnamese civilians on the boat, which leaves one of the civilians alive. Rather than he and the crew having to deal with the well-being of the civilian, Willard kills her and tells his men that they should have listened. Once the hero has undergone the main leg of their journey, Leeming states that the hero experiences a symbolic death. Captain Wi llard experiences this symbolic death when he and the crew arrive at Colonel Kurtz’s compound. They are immediately over whelmed by the vast number of followers Kurtz has brain washed, the most of whom being an American reporter.In another aside, Willard constantly uses words and phrases to make the compound seem extremely horrific and hell-like. Willard also realizes that the only reason that he and the crew have not been over whelmed and killed is because Kurtz wants him alive, but Willard makes comments to suggest that he is already dead internally. When the reporter takes Willard to meet Kurtz, he tells one member of the crew who stays on the boat to call in an airstrike on the compound if he is not back within a certain amount of time. The next step in Leeming’s process, after the symbolic death of the hero, is the hero confronts death while in the underworld.Captain Willard’s first meeting with Colonel Kurtz represents this point very well, with Kurtz embo dying the force of death. Kurtz informs Willard that he has been expecting someone like him and asks Willard why he has been sent. Willard tells Kurtz that it is because Kurtz has gone completely insane, a fact that Willard backs up. Kurtz then states that Willard is insignificant and imprisons him. While Willard is imprisoned, Kurtz throws the head of the crew member who was to call in the airstrike on Willard’s lap, showing that Willard is truly helpless.Leeming notes that after the hero has confronted death in the underworld, the hero experiences a rebirth and a passing on of knowledge. This passing on of knowledge occurs after Captain Willard’s first meeting with Colonel Kurtz. The brain washed reporter visits Willard while he is imprisoned and states that the reason Kurtz is keeping Willard alive is because the reporter believes Kurtz is sick of being praised as a false idol and is internally dying himself. The reporter says that after Kurtz is dead that Willard w ill be the one to tell the world what happened at the compound.This encounter is what relights Willard’s internal fire, in a way resurrecting him from the symbolic hell he was in. Willard gains highly significant knowledge in his prolonged second meeting with Kurtz, in which an internal strife builds inside Willard because he begins to harbor affinity for Kurtz. In the meeting, Kurtz explains his position on war and how it should be carried out. Kurtz states that a perfect soldier is moral, but knows when to at times forget his moralistic views and use his primordial instincts to discern what the right course of action is.However, Kurtz notes that common soldiers do not operate in such a way which is their downfall. Willard, eve concludes that he must operate on these instincts if he is to conquer Kurtz. The final stage of Leeming’s model to prove a hero, occurring after the hero’s rebirth and a passing on of knowledge, is the hero ascends from the earth and esc apes the cycle of the world. With the compound in this case symbolizing earth and the war representing the cycle from which Captain Willard will escape.Willard reaches these ends by letting his instincts take control, killing Kurtz at the same time Kurtz’s followers are sacrificing a bull in Kurtz’s honor. Willard then boards the boat and escapes with the one remaining crew member. Even though Willard had grown to in a way admire Kurtz towards the end, Willard implemented what he had learned by operating off his natural instincts he was able to make the right choice. The notion that Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now Redux is a modern day monomyth is bolstered by the fact that Captain Willard symbolically experiences every phase in David Adams Leeming’s method of defining a monomyth.Even though Apocalypse Now Redux is a work of fiction, the concept of basing a story around a heroic figure is a staple of literature in our culture. Real people who act in a heroic manner will continue to inspire such stories. Hopefully, society will never see the day where stories based around heroes cease to be written; because that would mean that the people who inspire those tales will have disappeared. Works Cited Apocalypse Now Redux. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Perf. Marlon Brando, Martin Sheen, Robert Duvall. 1979. Miramax Films, 2001. Film.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

First aid impotance

Here are eight reasons you should take Child CPR and First Aid: 1 . There are differences between Infant CPR and Child CPR, including: hand placement; the technique for compressions; how deep to push; the technique to give a breath. 2. Practice matters! We know from science that the retention of CPR skills is at best 6 months without review, and a change in skills complicates the issue. The American Heart Association recommends everyone should take a CPR class every two years; but f you only took Infant CPR, you haven't yet learned what to do on a child older than one. . Your toddler is mobile. This developmental fact changes a lot! Injuries are now more common. And since a toddler is still gaining a sense of balance and his head is still heavy, the majority of falls in a toddler impact the head and face. Would you know what to do? 4. First Aid is used on a weekly, if not daily, basis for most toddlers! Think of everything your toddler gets into these days. Theyre more ndependent, ex ploring their world, and testing limits.We'll discuss how to make their environment safer. Prevention is key. 5. Choking is more common. Young children, ages 1-5 are at a higher risk for choking since they are now eating new foods, and are also more likely to try to run while eating or not properly chew their food. The choke-saving skills are different for children than infants, so again that hands-on practice is important! 6. A chance to share experiences. In almost everyChild CPR and First Aid class, there are a few people who have already been to the ER with their toddler or called their pediatrician with concerns over an injury. Learn from other parents! 7. This class is for ALL caregivers. Anyone who cares for your toddler needs to have this knowledge. Nannies, grandparents, parents. 8. You'll have the skills to save a life. I saved my daughter's life. As an American Heart Association instructor, as the Program Manager for CPR and Safety at Isis, and most importantly as a paren t, I want you to have these skills, too.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Choose one of these article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Choose one of these article - Essay Example that in the above quotation, Confucius no way intends to convey that individuals born in nobility do not happen to accrue superiority by the dint of their birth and the privileges they have access to. It is a fact that Confucius supported the upholding on the old norms, ideals and values. However, while cherishing the old, in this quotation Confucius also does make way for a possibility of social mobility achieved through self worth and personal talent (Rainey, 2010, p. 18). Thereby, Confucius is making the echelons of power more open and accessible to the commoners who aspired to wrest social recognition and privileges through hard work and ingenuity (Rogers, 1993). Therefore, one simply cannot help appreciating this Confucian twist to the traditional Chinese idea of a ‘superior man’, eking in a way of harmonizing the claims of the aristocratic class with the aspirations of the more ambitious commoners. One can certainly discern the hint that this Confucian idea of the ‘superior man’, and its association with self worth and personal ability is indicative of a society, which though still governed by the nobility, is yet, gradually becoming more open. In that context the Confucian inclination of preserving the old, while welcoming the new is amply implicit in the given quotation. If one correlates the given quotation with the available historical facts, it is well known that irrespective of being a gentleman of noble birth, Confucius did allow individuals from the lower social strata to become his followers or students (Rainey, 2010, p. 18). In other words, Confucius was respective of and understanding towards the idea of social mobility and a notion of social status and position, directly ensuing from the actual abilities, efforts and drive of a person (Rogers, 1993, p. 46). Confucius does agree to in this quotation that the social space dominated by the nobility and th e aristocratic class could not remain impervious to an individual who is willing to put

Friday, September 27, 2019

On DQ1Diversification and Based on DQ2 PepsiCo Essay

On DQ1Diversification and Based on DQ2 PepsiCo - Essay Example One of the reasons for the success of this company has been its ability to innovate. Innovation has helped the company create thousands of consumer products. It is important for companies such as P&G to create products that meet the needs, expectations, and desires of its customer base. â€Å"Effective business communication requires a certain skill set to determine the customer needs and then deliver on that information† (Highprofitsmarketing, 2013). When companies ignore the fact that satisfying the needs of the customers is of top priority they often struggle maintaining a high customer retention rate. It is important for companies that use diversification to add product lines that are aligned with the strengths of the firm. Another example of a company that implemented a diversification strategy was Microsoft with its successful entrance into the gaming industry. The XBOX 360 has taken a lot of market share away from Nintendo. Technological products are susceptible to being influence by innovation. An example of a technological product that has been constantly innovating is Apple’s iPhone. In six years the company has launched five versions of the product. All new versions have new innovative features. Innovation is often also found in luxury products. PepsiCo is the 2nd largest player in the soda beverage industry. The company is behind the industry leader Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola has historically done a better job at marketing its brand globally which has helped the company maintain a higher customer retention rate. â€Å"One of the most important metrics to measuring your customer retention is your retention rate† (Newnorth, 2013). Pepsi has to do a better job at marketing its brand in order to gain the global recognition that Coca-Cola has achieved. A factor that differentiates both companies is the fact that Coca-Cola has greater popularity among international consumers. I think that

Thursday, September 26, 2019

How to Do Scientific Research Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

How to Do Scientific Research - Term Paper Example Scientific research allows us to make sense of how things work and why some things look or act the way they do. Scientific research has allowed our advancement as human species in this world. It enabled our superiority and survival among other organisms that inhabit the planet. Through scientific methods of inquiries, observations, experimentations, data analyses and continuous approaches of data verifications, several answers to essential survival needs have been known and developed further for mass benefits. This includes scientific breakthroughs in medicine, human anatomy, diseases, ecology, astronomy, society and various phenomenon relating to humanity and our survival in our environment. It is to be noted that scientific research does not provide absolute answers to questions (Ori 2012). It instead provides answers based on the current knowledge acquired and recent evidence from what is present. That is why asking the right questions and formulating a sensible hypothesis from cu rrent sources of information, are critical to advance our existing knowledge. The solutions that we have right now, the technologies we are enjoying and the existence of rich data sources are the product of all the efforts of scientific research in the past. There are more cures to sicknesses right now because researchers from the past have already discovered these solutions. The sophisticated technologies we are using in computers and network systems are the result of the development of information technologies and facets of circuitries, with applications of social sciences and human response mechanisms. It generally means that the questions that have been asked before have been answered in this generation. Thus, whatever questions and challenges we have in our present time, these will be important on how the future will be shaped. The accumulation of knowledge and its by-products continuously happen, and more discoveries are being known. These are the driving mechanisms on the adv ancements that are yet to occur in the time to come. Conducting scientific research in the light of scientific methods is critical to the validity of results. The validity of conclusions is important to be proven. Ideas can be accepted or rejected based on adherence to scientific standards and measures. This information process or scientific system helps provide consistency on how data are acquired and collected. If proven valid and accepted, the discovery can be adapted as a scientific paradigm that could be used as a sound reference of science. In here, it could be supporting other already existing paradigms that then bring to the unification of ideas, and therefore establish our understanding of that scientific matter. If this is achieved, the system could be used in the application of product development or systems design. This is when solutions are created or developed, and innovations that improve what we currently have are appreciated.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Outsorcing and Exchange Traded Funds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Outsorcing and Exchange Traded Funds - Essay Example These reasons have been adduced as the causes of outsourcing by United States. It has therefore become a trend for developed economies to outsource their processes to emerging markets. Emerging economies are those economies with relatively cheap cost of labor. As a result of outsourcing their processes, multinational companies have to exchange their home currencies in the foreign exchange market in order to acquire the currencies in the countries of operations. Exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of problems. In this paper, the US dollar has been compared with Brazilian currency, the realm, over the last five years (Lydon, 2005). Business process outsourcing has been made in the information technology sector, financial sector, telecommunication sector and other after sales services. Brazil has become a preferred country for outsourcing since this has become one of the government strategies to create more employment opportunities and increase the gross domestic product . As a matter of fact, Brazil has become a preferred calling center. The rate of exchange in the years has kept on varying depending on the forces of demand and supply in the various countries. The country is rated next to Mexico and Europe irrespective of the proximity of these states. The preference of Brazil has been favored by the time zone, strong government support, conformity of culture high rates of fluency and growing technology (Stouffer, 2011). With the increasing outsourcing in Brazil, 25000 direct jobs and 75000 indirect jobs have been created. One of the major sectors that have actually grown is the IT section where the country’s size is the 8th in the world. The pooled skilled labor has enabled outsourcing in this country a preference. Outsourcing in the banking industry and the information providing areas has made Brazil increase it’s outsource capacity. The question that many ask is whether the fluctuating Brazil currency could be a hindrance to outsou rcing in Brazil. When companies establish their operations in a foreign country, the challenge that must be met is the competition with the home companies (Casale, 2008). The history of the US dollar against the realm from 2006 is as follows. In 2006 the realm per US dollar was 2.27 and 1.9 in the year 2007. As from the information, the realm gained against the US dollar and therefore any US firm that outsourced in Brazil had to incur additional cost for labor purposes (Lydon, 2005). In the year 2008 the exchange rate per US dollar was 1.63 and 1.95 kin the year 2009. The steadiness of the realm against the dollar therefore reduces the risk that is associated with operations in foreign countries. In the year 2010, the dollar was traded at 1.82. In as much as the rate has varied in the 5 years, it is worth realizing that the variation in the cost of the dollar has promoted the outsourcing to Brazil. Indeed, Brazil may be ranked the second after the giant outsourcer which is India. Th e decreasing value of the realm compared to the dollar could be a reason as to why Brazil could be the second option for countries to outsource. A stable currency is necessary in instances that outsourcing decisions are to be determined. The real against the dollar has remained stable between 1.7 and 1.9 to the dollar and this has made the United States be a desired place to outsource. There are several strategies that any firm with off shore outsourcing must do to ensure that

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Critically appraise the contribution of Michael Power's audit Essay

Critically appraise the contribution of Michael Power's audit explosion argument to our understanding of accountability - Essay Example However the arguments go further to claim that these assumed causes need further support and research to express that the audit expansion is not a UK phenomenon (Power, 2002:183). This paper will review the basic arguments of the of The Audit Society and reconsider the causes and consequences of the audit society. Introduction Financial auditing is a statistical practice which seeks to draw conclusions from a limited inspection of documents. These documents can be written representations or budgets. More so, the inspections can be on oral testimony and direct observation. Prior to the past traditional methods of auditing in the UK, auditing began to modify by acquiring a new broader context. This was the reason because, audit began to play a new task in both the political and the economic sector. From this point, auditing became broader and a more significant tool in the society (Reuchars, 2004:76). Causes of Audit Explosion During the 1980s, the public sector institutions were chara cterized by financial constraints. Due to this factor, auditing and inspection became highly valued and important tool of change. National Audit Office and The Audit Commission became outstanding forces in government by playing an evolving and intricate constitutional role in different ways. In the late 1990s, the pressure for change increased as well as the demand for inspection and monitoring finances (Power, 2002:183). In another word audit explosion was driven by political demands on behalf of the citizens, patients, taxpayers, students and others. The reason behind this force was to provide greater accountability and transparency of service by both the public a and the private sector. The other pressure that forced the explosion of auditing was the rise of quality assurance practices and related transformations in regulatory style. Consequences of Auditing The introduction of auditing as an agency of organizational change has no measured consideration of benefits as well as pos sible dysfunctional effects. Although cost compliance has been introduced, audit and related monitoring ideas continue to be understood critically. In this respect, it is reasonable to suggest that auditing is an ideology driven for disciplining and controlling both the public and the private sector, yet it is not because auditing is not an instrument of genuine accountability. Therefore, to analyze the consequences of auditing, it is important to focus on the development of understanding auditing deeply (Powe, 2004:27). This broader understanding of auditing is the performance measures and other forms of accounting which provide an auditable front stage of an organization. The first consequence of auditing is that many performance indicators are produced but are not edited. Such facts are evident, and the UK Audit Commission is actively shaping these performance measures to enable genuine audit and inspection. However, just because a performance measure is not audited does not mean that it was not designed with potential audibility in mind. Another consequence is the growing population of auditees. This fact brings out the evidence that shows how different games of compliance creativity are played around the audit

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Emphasis Of English Perfect Tenses In Academic Writing Essay - 1

The Emphasis Of English Perfect Tenses In Academic Writing - Essay Example Simple present conveys what is happening nowadays only. Simple future would give an expectation of something that is going to happen in the future at once. Basically, all of the simple tenses tell about something would happen one time either in the past, present, or future. (Azar, B., 2002) Past, present, and future perfect tenses give the action a long time of occurrence. Consequently, they give they action completion of the proceeding. Present perfect expresses an action that happened in the past and something still present of it nowadays. Past perfect couriers when the action happened in the far past and somewhat from that action stayed until the near past. Finally, future perfect articulates the action in the future and states something that will stay further as caused by the action. Overall, perfect tenses have two points that give the action completion of the proceeding. ( Azar, B., 2002) Recently, studies argue that the simple past should be used instead of the perfect tense in Media, the use of Perfect tense in police reporting media case was subject to objection as was thought to be inappropriate. (Ritz, M A., 2010) The objection over the use of present tense is of standard and non-standard English. Different websites and different writers wrote about the situation in the same content, but strangely not provided evidence for how the use of present tense is not valid according to the linguistic rules. The reporting should be evident and should have a straight approach, the argument described in the perfect tenses are not evident and evoke predictions, which is why termed as non-standard. But for the better knowing it is not necessary for the perfect tense to be unbounded only. The perfect tenses are not only progressive but can be bounded while being continuous; it entirely depends on the use made.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Family Medicine Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Family Medicine - Personal Statement Example There may be numerous venerable paths in medicine; however, family medicine as a field may be considered to provide a transitional level of specialization which entails a thorough acquaintance of the field unlike the girth in other crucial healthcare areas of expertise. Following several experiences in family medicine, the specialty may be termed as a calling rather than a profession; in view of the fact that, it is the only area of medicine that gives a smooth progression into a broad, yet solid basis in the field of medicine. In brief, family medicine residency offers familiarity and exposure to a diverse range of patients, various conditions, treatments and cures, in ways that could not be matched through classroom lectures. I was allured to the field of family medicine for the reason that I wanted to master most medical conditions and have the ability to diagnose and treat them. During the beginning of my clinical career, as a student, I was unnerved into the demanding and multif aceted field of family medicine. I am a migrant from Africa, specifically; Ghana and I entered medical school with the apparition that, people who practice family medicine are individuals with a vast acquaintance in treating incalculable ailments. As a student, I had to get acquainted with particular patient situations and participated in numerous activities intended at expanding my familiarity and exposure to a diverse range of patients, various conditions, treatments and cures, in ways that could not be matched through classroom lectures.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Historical Background Of Hamas Essay Example for Free

Historical Background Of Hamas Essay Terrorism, like wars, threatens humanity. However, there are some intriguing issues that are tied up with terrorist groups without undermining underlying motivations in their formation. For instance, there are definitely causes for their emergence and this is their history. A case in point is HAMAS, an organized group categorized in current time as a terrorist group. This paper will assert to present the brief historical background of Hamas necessarily from four major driving forces namely: leadership and social structure, violence, and external influences. It must be noted however, that due to the limited space and resources, this discourse found some gray areas, controversial ones, that need further documentary research and analysis. From the Arabic â€Å"Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya† is taken the acronym HAMAS, which translates into English as â€Å"Islamic Resistance Movement. † 1 Further, from the same source, the acronym HAMAS is itself an Arabic word which means â€Å"enthusiasm, fire, ardor, fervor, zeal, fanaticism. † Although the movement was organized much earlier, its acronym Hamas came into being in 1987 when it directed its efforts against the Israelis resulting from Intifada. There is consistency in the narrative that the movement emerged to be known as Hamas since it started as an offshoot of Muslim Brotherhood which was founded in Egypt in 1928. 2 However, Richard Sale, a UPI Terrorism Correspondent says that Hamas was legally registered in Israel in 1978. 3 Organizing Hamas was the idea of its spiritual leader Shiek Ahmed Yassin. Accordingly, from the same source, Hamas was not only funded by the oil-producing states but also controversially, both directly and indirectly by Israel. From the beginning of its organization, Hamas was led by its founder and spiritual leader Shiek Ahmed Yassin. He was assassinated on March 22, 2004 by a missile strike of Israel. 4 He was succeeded by Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi immediately but was also assassinated in less than a month on April 17, 2004 by an Israeli airstrike. 5 Because of the tragic experience with reference to the Hamas leadership, the members voted among themselves the next successor without disclosing the name for confidentiality purposes. Still from the same source, it is suspected that Mahmoud al-Zahar is the successor of Rantissi. From the sources read, there was no indication at any point for the existence of power struggle among the members of Hamas in terms of leader selection. Mention however, was made to the fact that Hamas’s membership in the West Bank are coming from various groups with financial resources such as merchants, landowners, officials and professionals, all representing a substantial group in a higher socio-economic status. They dedicated themselves to help the grassroots and disadvantaged members of the Palestinian society. These included charitable services like clinics, kindergartens, and education6, runs schools, orphanages, mosques, health care clinics, soup kitchens and sports leagues. 7 Not stopping at welfare services, Hamas is also a movement that occupied itself with social concerns such as â€Å"exposing corruption, administration of waqfs (trusts) and organizing community projects†. 8 Analysis tells us that Hamas is not a movement that takes upon social struggle for their own survival financially speaking; they reach out to the poorer sectors of society. It is this discussant’s assumption that in spite of the composition of the organization’s membership who could have clashed for leadership, there was no leadership conflict because of the trustworthiness of leadership and the corrupt-free culture of the movement. Its founding leader Shiek Ahmed Yassin (Hamas Had a Long History of Conflict with Israel) was a preacher himself, meaning a religious person, and under his leadership the group did many social welfare and social services at the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Interestingly, Shiek Ahmed Yassin was a quadriplegic who could not move his body or his limbs yet he remained at the leadership of the Hamas until his assassination in 2004. 10 In spite of Yassin’s demise, Hamas gaining popularity among the people grabbed political victory over Fatah in 2006, the party of the late Yasser Arafat and later, of its President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestine Authority. 11 How Hamas became a terrorist group was a consequence of events. It is said that Israel was doing its recruitment of young Palestinians popularly referred to as the Intifada in 1987 and signaled the resort to violence by Hamas. Intifada was the upsurge of anger among Palestinian Arabs of the Gaza Strip and West bank that began in 1987 up to the early 1990s to demonstrate protest against Israel occupation of the two territories. The recruitment was taken by Hamas as collaboration with the Israelis and they used violence by beating those who were working with the Israeli government and later progressed to targeting Israel military then the civilians. 12 From then on, narratives of the Hamas violent and terrorist acts increased to become stories of terror. Buel says â€Å"Perhaps Hamas is best known for recruiting, training and arming suicide bombers. 13 Hamas since then has a countless number of terrorist acts committed highlighted by unthinkable suicide bombings. A number of external forces play significant roles in the Hamas Movement. To cite some, there is Palestine, the United States, the oil-producing states, Israel, the nations next to the borders of Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and recently, Iran. So urces have it that the formation, existence, and â€Å"creation† of Hamas are to some degree also the responsibility of Israel. 14 From the 1970s and on to the 1980s, Israel, like the Arab oil-producing states were supportive both directly and indirectly to Hamas. It was not much of the social welfare functions that Hamas was doing that Israel was supporting them. They had other interests for Hamas. First, Israel’s support to Hamas was an attempt as a â€Å"counterbalance to the PLO† (Palestinian Liberation Organization) spearheaded by the late Yasser Arafat believed to be a leftist, as a â€Å"direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative†. 15 Second, Israeli needed Hamas â€Å"to help identify and channel towards Israeli agents Hamas members who were dangerous terrorists†. 6 Third, Israel wants to deal with the United States as being the only democratic country in the region. 17 The oil-exporting countries are no longer in the picture whether they are still supporting Hamas or not anymore. The countries lying next to the borders of Gaza Strip and the West Bank, directly or indirectly will continue to be affected by the fate of Palestine versus Isra el. The most recent external force is the claim that Hamas is an â€Å"Iranian-backed terrorist organization founded in 1988 with the stated aim of destroying Israel†. 8 This development is a shift from the former reputation of Hamas as a social welfare movement. Iran has come into play in the picture. Hamas’s charter which was published in 1988 opens with the statement â€Å"Israel will rise and remain erect until Islam eliminates it as it had eliminated its predecessors†. 19 Moreover, still from the same source, it is said that the guiding principles of the group â€Å"rejects peaceful efforts to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and calls for the destruction of the State of Israel through jihad, or holy war. Hamas considers all of Israel to be occupied territory. † Hamas started as a charity movement helping the needy and a large sector of the population of Gaza Strip and the west Bank. It was organized as a movement by members of the middle class in Palestine society to address the social needs of the people. Their popularity as a helping movement was translated into their political victory in 2006 over Fatah, the long time ruling party of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Later, it evolved, although still maintaining its charitable nature, to go violent against the Israelis due to the past bloody encounters and experiences they had with the Israelis. For instance, many of the high ranking officials of Hamas were killed by Israelis or their instrumentalities. Hamas as stipulated in their charter stands on its principle that no dialogue will succeed on their differences versus Israel; it is through violence that they will succeed. The United States being the forerunner of democracy and under the new phenomenal leadership of Obama could be a promise of peace or a continued war between Israel and Palestine. As the nations of the world continue to tackle global peace, the rest of us can pray for peace to reign on our only planet, the Earth.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Business overview of Primark Stores Limited

Business overview of Primark Stores Limited Primark Stores Limited is an Irish clothing retailer. Its stores are located in various regions like United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Germany, Portugal, The Netherlands and Belgium. Primark stores day by day increasing its number of new clothing stores, with Two hundred and seven stores overall distributed in seven major regions: one hundred -five in the United Kingdom, thirty-eight in Ireland, eighteen in Spain, one in Netherland, one in Belgium, two in Germany and two in Portugal. The company also positions itself as marketing fashionable at competitive prices. Arthur Ryan and his collaborator Micaela Mitchell open its first clothing store in Dublin Ireland in 1969. After various success in clothing business, great profits and gross income led them to open stores in local and regional areas. It acquired various locations in different business centers within its local and regional areas which eventually generate more profits and income. Primark is known for selling clothes at very competitive prices in the market. Its success is based on sourcing supply, making clothes with simple designs and fabrics and targets young, fashion-conscious individuals ages 35 below, offering them simple yet high quality clothes and apparels. Hence, these successes brought significant changes on Primarks retail business. Success after success by opening new stores every year the relevance of global trends and consumers demands on lifestyle made Primark Store Limited reinvent its business scheme and management structure. Primark Overview Primark Stores Limited is an Irish clothing retailer. Its stores are located in various regions like United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, The Netherlands, Germany, Portugal and Belgium. The company positions itself as marketing fashionable at competitive prices. It is a great place to go for stylish, trendy clothes without the expensive price tag. Whether its on the go or for something which can make up to look like a high street find. It has 207 branches in UK and Europe by November 4, 2010. These are as follows; Ireland 38 Spain 18 UK 145 The Netherlands 1 Portugal 2 Germany 2 Belgium 1 Total 207 The clothes in Primark are fashionable and trendy. Womens Wear: Party dresses, Work or holiday clothing, Lingerie, Accessories and Foot wear Mens wear: Casual or formal clothes, everyday essentials and footwear Childrens Wear: Fashion or essentials products for girls, boys and baby wear. Jewelry: Jewelry is the favorite part; it includes childrens mini jewelry and adults jewelry. The prices are very reasonable. Everybody can afford those prices very easily. Home: Bed sheets, towels, curtains, duvet covers and pillows Other Items: Other items include bags, belts, purses etc. Style, quality and affordable prices all rolled into one at Primark. The original clothing store was established by Arthur Ryan and his collaborator Micaela Mitchell in Dublin Ireland in 1969. After various success in clothing business, great profits and gross income led them to open stores in local and regional areas. Primark employs simple managerial operation on its stores structure. Every store has its own manager who is responsible in overseeing the status and business operations. Managers are given the power and control to manage the store within his/her point of responsibility. Assistant and deputy managers are also assigned to control and manage the store in smaller or larger branches. Within the store, there are different subdivided departments in which a manager is assigned like senior department managers and junior department managers who are in charge for individual departments. Moreover, under management, there are supervisors in charge of staff on a sales floor, on different departments like stock room staff, customer service staff, customer service desk, cashiers who work on the tills, cash office staff and staff responsible to look after fitting rooms. Source: PRIMARK OBJECTIVES AND AIMS To provide good quality products for the public; we want the public to realise we are a good company and just because our products are cheap, it doesnt mean that they are rubbish. We will achieve this by having our products made by people that know what they are doing and test them to check that they are good quality. To sell goods at reasonable prices; We want the public to have a wide range of options to them, so we offer them good quality products at reasonable prices; This will be achieved by looking at other stores, selling similar products, and making our prices lower than other places. To be friendly and helpful towards customers and staff; The public need to think that we are a friendly company; this will make them want to come to our store if they feel welcome. We will achieve this by greeting customers as soon as possible and making those feels welcomed. To treat everybody the same; The public need to feel like we treat everybody the same. The people with less money will be treated the same as people that have lots of money. This will be achieved by making everyone in the store feel individual; we will make everyone feel like they are special . November 8, 2010. 18:53 Definition of the Market The METRO cash and carry business lies in the Monopolistic Competition. There are few sellers and each has its own specialization and it charge the prices according to the product quality and characteristics. There is no entry or exit barrier in this market. Even five more cash and carry businesses are allowed by government to open their branches in Pakistan. Market Focus and Segmentation Segmentation METRO segmentation of customers is mainly concerned with the two factors, Retailers, and professionals of every sector and kind. Segmentation We design the proper segmentation of the METRO Cash and Carry: Geographic Region South Asia Country Pakistan State Punjab City Lahore, Islamabad Demographic Occupation HoReCa Income Level Minimum Rs.20000 Economic factor Inflation, reduced Productivity Psychographic Social Class Working Class (Retailers and Professionals) Buying Habits Convenience Perception High Quality with low price Personality Profit Conscious Behavioral Benefits Shopping at one place, Customer Care Usage rate weekly Occasion Regular Loyalty status Strong customer relationship Readiness Stage Desirous source ( Targeting The targeting strategy of METRO cash Carry depends upon the segmentation. METRO carries the differentiated market targeting strategy. They take the whole customers as a market and carry out the marketing strategy same for the whole. At this time METRO cash and carry is concerning with the differentiation strategy. They can also come up with the focus strategy for the retailers so that they think that METRO cares them and conducting a major portion of business just for the retailers. It will convince and internally force them to come to METRO just to admire its services and respect to the retailers. Is it a focussed strategy? Yes in the sense that all their customers are users of databases. No in the sense that they are all different sizes and sectors. Also -WellData do not sell the software applications licenses. They can, and do, sometimes sell hardware but this is as a convenience for their customers. Is it a differentiation strategy? Yes in the sense that they are looking specifically at wholesalers and retailers. Yes as their approach to the core function is fundamentally different to the rest of the marketplace (no fail). Yes as they have a key Business Ready report for customers before the start of the working day. Yes as all technical staff are employed and not contracted. On balance this seems to be a differentiated approach Is it a cost leadership strategy? Possibly. Because they always believe in low prices. . METRO portrait the image of this cash and carry whole sale departmental store as the lower prices with the high quality and availability of everything at a same place. You just visit it and you can get every thing what you can think to buy. Based on the above , very simple, observations, the metro cash carry strategy would fall somewhere between the differentiation strategy and the focussed strategy. In terms of Bowmans Strategy Clock the picture is clearer. Metro fall clearly into the Differentiation strategy. Premium Priced or not? The question of price premium is open to further discussion. Although this next section should really be covered in the analysis of Metro cash carry under Porters five forces model. Quantix will open the proposition with a low price and low added value service. If the customer buys into this it is a relatively simple matter to upsell the customer to more expensive, but more added value, services. 1 Low price/low added value Likely to be segment specific 2 Low price Risk of price war and low margins/need to be cost leader 3 Hybrid Low cost base and reinvestment in low price and differentiation 4 Differentiation (a) Without price premium. Perceived added value by user, yielding market share benefits (b) With price premium. Perceived added value sufficient to bear price premium 5 Focused differentiation Perceived added value to a particular segment, warranting price premium 6 Increased price/standard Higher margins if competitors do not value follow/risk of lo losing market share 7 Increased price/low value Only feasible in monopoly situation 8 Low value/standard price Loss of market share Internal Review SWOT Strength Weakness à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The company has over 207 stores around the euorope and of those 145 stores are located in the UK. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Primark has very organised business structure. which provides good quality services to their customers. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It offers a range of job opportunities and employees more than 30,000 people. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It provides a high street quality clothes at reasonable prices to customers. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Primark is part of the ETI (Ethical Trading Initiative) which focuses on workers rights, their production of goods and bringing businesses together to work on labour rights issues. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Primark provides clothing for childrens, men and womens of all ages, it also provide some home accessories. A research company TNS who rank Primark as UKs second largest clothing retailer by terms of market share. Primark has very affordable and competitive prices. Mainstream market product quality. Stores in High Street locations. It has clear focus on the target market. A strong consumer proposition has been developed for the Primark brand and embodied in the line Look Good, Pay Less. It has 28 days refund policies. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Primark facing child labour in india and bangladesh for producing their embroidred clothes, although it is member of ETI (Ethical Trading Initiative). Due to these negative reports they stop working with three big organizations in India. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It has poor working conditions and not properly giving their workers their full rights. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Primark has problem with advertisement because the company does not advertise their products and this gives their competitors the advantage over them. Employees overwhelmed by the amount of work to be done. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Primark purports less value on ethical matters. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Exploitation of the employees and abuse on labour force. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Poor working conditions. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The primacy of autocratic and rigidity on standard structures. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Child labour. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The primacy of autocratic and rigidity on standard structures. Opportunity Threats à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Primark expanding their business to opening more new stores in the UK and in euorope. And has now opened 17 stores in Spain to battle along its competition like Zara. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Primark now has an opportunity to share their high quality products and services overseas. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It provides a high quality clothes to fashion conscious people in UK and Euorope. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Primark is a parent company for ABF. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Primarks energy consumption in Great Britain is sourced against the green power generated and sold into the grid by sister company, British Sugar. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Primark shares many of its suppliers with its competitors on the high street. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Primarks are in great competition with other companies such as Zara and HM which is their big threat. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The other threat is that will it match the needs of the customer in terms of fashion and uniqueness? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ As the Primark do not advertise for their products while their competitors do. This can be a threat for Primark for not advertising. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Financial crisis- credit crunch. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Cheap quality product. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The primacy of autocratic and rigidity on standard structures. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Increasing competitive pressure: matalan, peacock, H M. Marketing Strategy It is a great place to go for stylish, trendy clothes without the expensive price tag. Whether its on the go or for something which can make up to look like a high street find. Who are existing/potential Customers? People from all ages and sex belongs to all classes such as lower middle to high class is Primark potential customers. They buy product on regular bases. What are their current/ future needs? People want to buy fashionable and trendy clothes. How can we satisfy these needs? Primark can satisfy their customers by providing them good quality clothes on affordable prices. Why Should Customers buy from Us? Customers buy cloths from Primark due to their high quality fabrics, fashionable designs and due to affordable prices. Also clothes are available for all ages and sex. External Review PEST Political Factor Primarks business operations are the aid of government policies and regulation for example providing proper working environment for their workers. Primark is part of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) to deal with workers and to improve their working conditions. Primarks energy utilization in UK is sourced against the green power generated and sold into the grid by British Sugar. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Primark is a British clothing retail that promotes an ethical approach to people in factories ad farms worldwide to improve living standards in countries with vulnerable conditions such an India and Bangladesh. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Primark constantly implement training and work programmes to ensure that its follow the strict code of conduct of the company. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Primark Better Lives Foundation provide financial help to young people in developing countries. Economical Factors Primark more focus on young Consumers especially the under 35 of age. Every year Primark is expanding their business by opening new stores in UK and moved its business around Europe. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Primark offers to customers quality of merchandise at a affordable value for money. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Primark has a high percentage of customers loyalty. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The retail contribute to the economy in developing countries, this provide employment. Social Factors It is a great owner for Primark by receiving several awards for being value retailer of the UK. It now operates from 5.4 million sq ft of selling space, which gives it the advantage of providing more goods and services and also can display more items which consumers can see to buy their favorite product. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Primark adapts to the cultural issues in developing countries such as local attitudes, government and legal requirements. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The clothing retail base its strategies on trust and transparency to the benefit of the people. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ In collaboration with the community, Primark has specific recruitment programmes to reach a wider group of people such as Job Centers, Universities, local communities, also, flexible hours this brings an effective and friendly workplace. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ In addition, Primark has a home working policy for those whose prefer to be at home. Technological Factors In Primarks bid for world class, cutting edge management of its ethical auditing Programme, it has signed a deal with BSI Management Systems for the provision of Entropy Software. Primark did investment in Entropy Software which is a key part of Primarks ethical trade strategy, allowing all supplier audits, non-conformances and remedial actions to be managed through the Entropy Software platform, with much greater global visibility and management control. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ In general retailers as Primark take risk in developing new technologies by importing and exporting technologies from abroad, as focus on quality, cost and functionality, investing huge amounts of capital in manufacturing processes and aiming at high volume production. This process open new opportunities in developing countries and retailers can use it effectively. Porters five forces model Porters five forces developed by Michael E. Porter of Harvard Business School in 1979. Give a framework for environmental audit but tends to focus on the single, stand alone, business or SBU (Strategic Business Unit) rather than a single product or range of products The threat of new entrants The threat of new entrants is LOW for Primark because of the high cost setup. Power of the Supplier Primark does not rely on one big supplier rather they have number of smaller ones. And so here the bargaining power of suppliers is LOW with Primark. Bargaining Power of the Buyer Competitive rivalry Competitive rivalry is HIGH in case of Primark as there are number of similar size players in the market with offering similar product and due to high cost on exit (Exit barrier). Threat of the Substitutes Threat of substitutes is HIGH because other company are offering similar products with low price and now it is very easy for customer to switch from one product to other as they have become more choosey. Bargaining power of Buyers: Degree of Buyers power is HIGH, as there are multi players in the market and now customer are more sensitive towards the price so they visit every shop and then make decision and the switching cost is also not too high. The bargaining power of buyers in this case is very high because of the multi players in the market. There are attractive substitutes available to the buyer even in the form of keeping the same cell phone number but changing the service provider. It makes very difficult for the market players to retain their customers. I think the brand loyalty can only be created through superior marketing campaigns and service. Bargaining power of suppliers: This is a type of industry where, at least in present times, the bargaining power of suppliers is at the low level because of the nature of inputs for the business. Moreover, with the deregulated and friendly environment given by the government of Pakistan, the industry has become more competitive and quality services driven. Threat of substitute products: Although the cell phone subscribers are more than 95 million now, still the threat of substitute products is high for the industry. Buyer inclination to substitute and price-performance trade off are the most important to consider in determining the threat of substitutes. Actually, just the subscription of cell phone service is not enough for a company to get optimal profits but the real challenges is that how many existing customers are using the service regularly for incoming as well as outgoing calls. The quality of service is the parameter. Threat of New Entrants: Threats of new company like Zong is also there. Which offers very attractive packages to customers. There can be some more companies in future who can enter in this industry. Product Life Cycle Where do Primark fit in terms of the Boston matrix? Ansoff Matrix (Product/Market Matrix) Source: Same Product Same market (Market Penetration) This is the least risky of all the routes. It fits well with the results of the customer profile analysis which shows that the WellData customer base contains significant numbers of large companies who are also national or Global in their nature. By focussing on the existing customers and cross selling or up selling, WellData have the opportunity to tap into a market segment that already likes what they do and where the strength of internal customer references should work favourably on their behalf. Same Product New Market (Market Development) This is a more risky approach as it involves WellData being able to clearly identify a new market segment in which to operate. Given the difficulty in identifying a clear segment in which they already operate, the danger is that the chosen segment is hard to define, hard to identify and hard to quantify. In addition WellData have no Brand name outside their existing area of operation and in this aspect would face the same barriers to entry outlined in Porters analysis above. New Product Same Market (Product Development) For WellData this lies between Market Penetration and Market Development in terms of Risk. They are already established in their own market place and have a good reputation amongst their existing customers. An area of relatively simple product development is the move to desktop support. This is a function that WellData already carry out for some existing customer and which lies within their functional capabilities. They can simply offer the extended service to existing customers as an upgrade to the current services. New product New Market (Diversification) This is a high risk approach and is not one that would be simple to bring about in Metro. The move away from current skill sets and current markets would place a burden on Metro that they are unlikely to want or be able to afford. Recommendations From the four directions above the Market Penetration and Product Development offer the lowest risk. The markets for the services (Database Admin and Configuration, and Desktop Support) are sufficiently large to allow for customer acquisition without enormous marketing expenditure. Marketing Management Process Analysis/Audit where are we now? Currently WellData is a problem child. They have a small market share in a growth market. In order to grow they need to attack their existing account base and cross-sell and up-sell. Their sales revenue is just above a million and the ambition is to be a dominant player in the IT Support market place. To achieve this they have to focus their activities in areas where their strengths (technical expertise and a low cost base) can be brought to bear. Product Strategy Market penetration and Product development are the two key directions for WellData. The ease of access to the market and the related nature of the services opens up new areas to WellData without the risk of massive investment in either people, marketing expense or new technology. Generic Strategy WellData are transitioning from a focussed/differentiation strategy to one of cost leadership/ differentiation without a price premium. In Bowmans terms this would be a hybrid strategy. Such a strategy is designed to attract market share. Pricing Strategy Pricing strategies need to be rethought in order to counter the tactical threat from Quantix. WellDatas all you can eat buffet approach has been effectively countered with the Menu of the Day approach from Quantix. The 4 Ps MARKETING PRICE PRODUCT PLACE PROMOTION Product Style for men With a range of brands from Cedarwood State to DenimCo, Primark has the fashion for all occasions. With everything from formal suiting and footwear to a more casual look in denim and T-Shirts. We have everything to put your look together and its all available in your nearest Primark store. Clothing Our Butler Webb range will cater for all of your formal needs, with cotton shirts, silk ties and a premium suiting range. Within our Backswing section we offer a full range of sportswear styles, from golfwear to ski-wear. Accessories Every fashion-conscious man needs to top off his outfit with the perfect hat, scarf, wallet or bag. Find everything you need for accessorising your look in our mens accessories range. Footwear From formal shoes for that special occasion to our canvas shoes for a more casual look, the Primark mens footwear range will take you from formal sophistication to street-savvy in no time. Womenwear Primark prides itself on providing its customers with up-to-the-minute fashion at affordable prices. Our aim is to ensure you get the right look within our stores, so if youre looking for the latest fashion in clothing, accessories, footwear or lingerie, look no further than your nearest Primark store Clothing With everything from the latest styles to the essential items that keep you looking chic, Primark has it all. Skirts, trousers, cardigans, dresses, jackets and much more. Lingerie Fun, flirty or functional its all at Primark. And of course its affordable lingerie with the quality that you hope for. Accessories Complete your look with the latest trends in accessories from bags to bracelets and everything in between. Footwear Diamonds may be a girls best friend but shoes come a close second. At Primark we have an entire range to fulfil your inner fashionista and put the finishing touches to your outfit. Everybody knows kids grow fast, so keep them in fashion at affordable prices at Primark. Your nearest Primark store has everything you need, whether you are a bouncing baby or a fashion-conscious teenager. Girlswear Every girl wants to look her best and at Primark we make no exception for the younger ladies. Boyswear When you think of boys, you think young and fun. At Primark we think the same and we ensure that all of our boys clothing is not only young and fun but also practical and affordable. Babywear Dress your bundle of joy, whether a boy or girl, in great baby basics to fashionable outfits. Everything your heart desires and your baby needs can be found in your nearest Primark store. home At Primark we know that Home is where the heart is, so if youre re-decorating or just want to add something a little special from fragranced candles to velvet throws, check out our homeware products to bring that little bit extra to your home. Youll find sumptuous bed linen that can keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter, including complete bed sets, duvet covers, two-pack hollow-fibre pillows and 100% cotton percale sheets. We have a range of duvets available in single, double or king sizes. For the bathroom you can buy cotton towels in 11 colours and two-pack reversible bath mats. To enhance the pampering you deserve, we also have candles, all delicately fragranced in seasonal scents and colours. And you can give your living room that feeling of class with products from our range of cushions and throws including cottons, chenilles and velvets. Place Ireland 38 Spain 18 UK 145 The Netherlands 1 Portugal 2 Germany 2 Belgium 1 Total 207 Price Price Tops-  £3-7 Bottoms-  £5-6 Denim-  £12 Bags-  £5 Purses- £3 Belts-  £2 Jewellery- £1.50-2.00 Promotion Social Networking Much has been made of the emergence of social networking as a modern phenomenon especially amongst the young. However it is increasingly the case that modern legislation is preventing suppliers from communicating with potential customers unless the customer has already agreed (Telephone Preference Service, Corporate Telephone Preference Service, Mail Preference Service, Data Protection Act etc). This clear Catch-22 is forcing suppliers down two, increasingly expensive and unproductive routes. Google Adwords Media advertising Social Networking (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Myspace etc) offers a new route to potential customers that is currently still open to businesses. Although these routes are not free, they are still novel enough to attract attention and be considered as a user friendly/personal route to market. However these routes are not without challenges of their own. The time and human resource required creating and, even more importantly, maintaining these pages on a daily or hourly basis is a considerable investment in its own right. E.G. A Facebook page is free. Facebook adverts operate on a pay per click basis (similar to Google). Although these adverts can be targeted to specific job titles the actual number of people who will be targeted is still small as many Facebook users do not include their job title in their profile. A combined approach of Twitter and Facebook seems to work well and have little external cost. IE Twitter an update (Windows 7 etc) and link it to Facebook. This gives two opportunities to get your name out to interested parties without massive expense. RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS Primark can easily expand and diversify, giving its rivals a competitive environment with substantial financial power.<

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Critical Analysis of Darkness at Noon by Harold Krents Essay -- Darkne

Critical Analysis of Darkness at Noon by Harold Krents In "Darkness at Noon", Harold Krents vividly describes some of the everyday prejudices disabled citizens must face. Presented in an often humorous fashion, the author opens the reader’s eyes to the cruel ironies of society’s preconceived and inaccurate judgments, and their long reaching effects on his life. Krents begins his essay by pointing out to the reader that he cannot see himself, and thus, often has to depend upon the viewpoints of others. He states: "To date it has not been narcissistic." The average reader may not be aware that the word "narcissistic" means, "Excessively in love with oneself." It is helpful for the reader to keep this first observation in mind as he continues through the article, and hears Krent’s descriptions of society’s viewpoints. Krents points out three particular judgments that are often passed on him by the public. "There are those who assume that since I can’t see, I obviously cannot hear" then, "†¦others know that of course I can hear, but believe that I can’t talk" and finally "The toughest misconception of all is the view that because I can’t see, I can’t work." It is surely an unfortunate irony, that the disabled citizen must not only deal with his own burdens, but also, the imaginary ones placed upon him by society. Krents supports his statements using appealing illustrative stories with effective imagery. Krent’s chooses to use words which are effective, and relay a definite scene to the reader. Some examples are: "†¦enunciating each word very carefully", "..if the dread word is spoken, the ticket agent’s retina will immediately detach†¦"and "†¦my saint-like disposition deserted me†¦I finally blurted out†¦" He creates i... not even present. Krent’s other recollections are also effective. They all work together to demonstrate the unfounded fears and misconceptions of some members of society. Krent’s mistake is attributing the opinions of a misled few to those of the entire nation. Although the reader is moved by Krents many stories and examples, the lack of objectivity in the essay leaves the reader with doubts. Krent’s theme - that if handicapped persons were viewed fairly their disability would be not be apparent- is one that the reader is aware of and wants to believe in. Yet, Krent’s own pessimistic tones overshadow the greater good. The reader is left with the unpalatable feeling that this essay may be nothing more than a very unconfident and dissatisfied man, attempting to pin his disappointments and failures on society, so that he may feel better about himself.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Islamic Societys Treatment of Women Essay -- Religion Islam Muslim

Islamic Society's Treatment of Women From the time of birth, a Muslim woman's place in Islamic society already has a shadow cast over it. Instead of the joyous cry that boys receive of "Allah Abkar"1 when they are born, a baby girl is welcomed into the world with a hushed Qurannic prayer. Although Islam venomously denies its role in the suppression of women, a survey of Islamic countries reveals that women are denied their humanity. The status of women in Islamic countries is undeniably inferior to men. Over the last twenty years, progress has been made in many countries which has helped elevate the roles which Muslim women play in their societies. Although progress has been made in certain countries, there still exist those Islamic countries where being born female guarantees a lack of rights, liberty, and happiness. This paper will explore the question, "What forces are limiting the Muslim woman's equivocal participation in Islamic society?" Islam's followers are approximated at 1.2 billion, which makes it a runner up only to Christianity that has about 2 million adherents. Women constitute about half of that population. However, it is important to note that this paper examines the treatment of women in the strongholds of the Islamic domain. These populations include the Arab countries of Saudi Arabi, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Jordan, Kuwait, Yemen, Israel, Oman, and Lebanon. Muslim women of the African countries of Sudan, Libya, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia are also weighed in this analysis. In addition to these better known Islamic countries, the paper also observes the societal treatment of women in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, India, and Bangladesh. About 90... ...d rationalists of yesteryear who tried to import Greek ideas...Women have been, are, and will continue to be targets of intimidation and violence, whether from regimes in power or opposition movements that hark back to the past. It happened in Pakistan in the 1980s; it is still going on in Iran; and today at the beginning of the 1990s, it is happening in Algeria. Tomorrow the same thing can happen elsewhere...Today they constitute one of the most dynamic components of the developing civil society. Although up to the present they are still politically unorganized, they have succeeded in infiltrating one of the citadels which was long forbidden to them: formal education. Education, with high school and university diplomas, is women's new acquisition. Until now all women were taught to do, from housework to carpet weaving, was devalued and poorly paid.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Internal Conflicts Caused by Conformity :: essays research papers

Internal Conflicts Caused by Conformity Conformity can often seem like the best path to take in a situation. Going along with everyone else will cause less conflict for the group as a whole. Unfortunately conforming simply to protect other people's feelings can lead to powerful internal conflicts if a person does not fully agree with the situation. Ruth from A Raisin in the Sun, Langston from "Salvation," and Mama from "Everyday Use," all felt internal conflicts resulting from conformity. Ruth Younger is a caring mother who feels internal conflicts when she feels strongly about something her husband does not agree with. Ruth lives in a small apartment with her extended family. She tries to be a good wife, supportive of her husband's decisions but she also longs for a better life for her family. Gladys Washington, literary reviewer, points out that Ruth, "seems to hold fairly traditional ideas about motherhood, but she finds herself, without the counsel of her husband, considering abortion as an alternative to bringing another child into the world" (Washington screen 3). She would sacrifice the life growing inside her to ensure her current family had a place to sleep. When her mother-in-law presents them with the opportunity to move from their small run down apartment to a home of their own Ruth is overjoyed, but sees that Walter is furious with his mother for spending so much money on a home in a white neighborhood. Ruth wants so badly to be excited tha t she urges her husband to see the good that would come from moving. She says, "Please, honey -- let me be glad... you be glad too"(Hansberry 998). She tells him they should, "say goodbye to these Goddamned cracking walls!--and these marching roaches!--and this cramped little closet which ain't now or never was no kitchen!"(Hansberry 999). After being offered money by their white neighbors not to move in, Walter decides to take the money and keep his family in their cramped apartment. Ruth is being torn to pieces at the thought of losing the home she dreamed of but she has done enough pleading. She had already rebelled and let her husband know how she felt about the new home. Finally right before Walter signs the papers to accept the white community's money, his wife and mother's pleas get through to him. He turns down the white man's money and Ruth finally gets a better life for her family.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Thinking Like a Nurse

As in every profession, in nursing too, there are a number of details that every each of nurses should have and be aware of, because of the high expectancy by patients and colleagues in both within and outside of professional domains. Professionalism refers to the key points that everyone should follow and behaves the best in order to protect its dignity and respective in a competent manner. Then it becomes even more important when it comes to public health care matter. There are many reasons for that; first of all, Nursing. In this profession, it is expected from nurses to maintain the public trust and confidence. Nurses have the full trust from patient and their family. Every patient should be treated the same way as if they are in the need of best care and it is expected from nurses to maintain the practise area in a safe and in an environment that a nurse can practise safely at all times. Secondly, a nurse should create and protect a relationship between themselves and the patient. Nurses should give extra attention to protect them from any kind of harm if they are more vulnerable than the others or if they are with handicaps. Another point to be aware of is â€Å"Nurses recognise their professional position and do not accept gifts or benefits that could be viewed as a means of securing the nurses’ influence or favour. † (Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council: 2008) Nurses should keep the relationship professional and should not keep it if it gets out of ethics and standards. Furthermore, if there is an unethical or unlawful conduct noticed within the clinic or outside of the clinic, a nurse should not overlook it or should not leave it unnoticed. The action should be reported to an authorized person or corporation to put the behaviour in a fair process. Also, nurses are responsible of treatment for people in need and to motivate the patients processing in recovery. Nurses help to prevent the illness or injuries by educating patients and help to raise the quality of health in the country. They treat the patient, help them to benefit in the best way from service provided and approach them and their families with a good sense. To sum up, the best way for any public health service to work constantly, sufficient, reachable and at the best quality is, doctors, nurses, and the other health workers should work together as a team. Nurses are indispensable and the most important ring of the chain.

Defining moments of Canada

All these years Canada expanded into a well-built country. Canada has participated in many battles throughout the world and this has changed how Canada was seen. The first defining moment was the battle of Ypres, where Canadian soldiers were the victims of the first gas attack by the Germans. The second defining moment was the liberation of Netherlands, where Dutch people thank Canadians for the concern towards them. The third defining moment was Canada in Rwanda Africa, where heroism was greatly achieved due to the efforts made by the United Nations.Due to all these major events; the battle of Ypres, the liberation of Netherlands and Canada in Rwanda Africa, Canadian soldiers gained reputation. The battle of Ypres began, during the first week of April 1915 (Warmuseum. com). Many Canadian’s troops were sent to the city of Ypres. â€Å"During the battle German soldiers were advancing fast, they gathered and covered the North, South and East sides†. On April 22th 1915, Ge rmans introduced there new and powerful weapon that can wipe out most soldiers, it was a poison gas (Warmuseum. com).Many media and people thought that Canadians would have died but many survived and some escaped. The soldiers survived because the leaked on their cloth and covered there face, to survive the gas. During the battle Canadian soldiers would have serious trouble, sometimes there rifle wouldn’t work and get jammed due to the muddy conditions. After a formidable fight, Canadian prime minister received many congrats messages from many countries stating that it was a smart play by the Canadian. Canadian soldiers managed to survive for 48 hours after they were recalled to recruit back (Veterans.  gc. ca).It was one of the biggest defining moments in Canadian history. Canadians have tremendous respect in Netherlands, all because of one event. It was the liberation of Netherlands. During fall of 1944 to spring allied forces closed and surrounded Germany (Veterans. gc. ca). There were many battles that occurred before this event such as the battle of Dieppe. Canadian soldiers played a key role during this event that brought freedom to Dutch people in Holland. Before they got into the liberation, there were many steps to go through. The battle of the Scheldt was a major key step.Months after D-day, allied forces needed to supply weapons to the soldiers and they required a sea port. The Canadian army had a forceful battle through to open the Belgium port, many soldiers were captured, tortured and killed but this was a major step. After opening the port many Dutch people were starving and cold so the Canadians joined the final push and fed all the Dutch people. Around 200,000 Canadians joined (Veterans. gc. ca). â€Å"When Canadian soldiers were marching on the street, Dutch people came and partied along by running behind the tank, inviting the soldiers for lunch†.They were really happy and respected Canadians for their amazing rescue. This wa s the second defining moment that changed Canadian history and made the Canadian army superior. The genocide of Rwanda Africa was a major event. It was an issue between to tribes called the Hutus and Tutis. This mission was done along with the United Nations. The deaths began to rise when many Tutis were murdered by the Hutus. Approximately 500,000 and one million were ended up dead (Book : The Rwanda Genocide). Many were raped, killed or murdered. United Nations tried to end the genocide.â€Å"A team was formed called the UNAMIR (United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda)†. There were two Canadian commanders in charge; they were Major – General Romeo Daillaire and Major- General Guy Tousignant (Veteransaffair. gc. ca). During the mission to save Rwandans, 125 personnel ended up dead. After the mission of Rwanda was over, Canada and the rest of the United Nations remained in the country to clean up the humanitarian efforts, and refugee effort and left the country in 1996 (VeteransAffair. gc. ca). â€Å"The genocide of Rwanda is still remembered; in April 7th 2004 was an international day for the Rwanda genocide†.The genocide still remains in many hearts and Canada did a marvelous job assisting them. It was also an important moment in our history. These three defining moments; the battle of Ypres, the liberation of Netherlands and Canada in Africa Rwanda, changed Canada history in many ways. It allowed Canada soldiers to be seen superior with stunning skills. Canada displays a peace keeper role and always will. The Canadian army played major roles in all these moments and we hope that Canadian soldiers we continue their achievement along with success.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Inseparable Link of Nursing and Caring

Caring is a human instinct. Especially with people that are close to our hearts, people would not hesitate to care for their general well-being. More so, people whose duty is in the service sector, they are more enjoined to care for their customers. This is why â€Å"caring† is both a duty and a responsibility to people involved in the health care profession. As defined by Mosby's Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Dictionary (2002), caring means the actions characteristic of concern for the well-being, such as sensitivity, comforting, attentive listening, and honesty for the patient.One of the frequent reminders offered to health care professionals is that â€Å"patients are people†. This is not because health care professionals do not know this or, worse, do not care about the status of their patients. It is simply that in the cut and thrust of decision making in relation to the clinical management of a patient’s condition, the human side of health care can be overshadowed by its technical aspects.No doubt, to become a successful nurse, one must not only learn to deal with their patients as clients, caring for them is important to assure their recovery from any maladies. Since the days of Florence Nightingale, there has been a direct link between nursing and service to others (Kearney, 2001). When a child is asked why they want to become a doctor or a nurse, they often respond, â€Å"To help other people†.   This response partially defines caring because caring cannot occur if others are not involved. Caring requires a recipient.Several theorists have developed conceptual models based on caring. One of them is Dorthea Orem, who developed the Self-Care Deficit Model (1995). Orem believed that all individuals desire to care for and meet their personal care needs and that each person has varied abilities to participate in meeting his personal self-care needs.The nurse attempts to meet the client's self-care needs in an effort to red uce the client's self-care deficits. On the other hand, Watson (1999) believed that caring is a moral ideal and that nursing is a caring art and science. The client is the center of human caring. Finally, Leininger (2001) purported that nursing is a learned art focused on caring in accord with an individual’s culture. To these theorists, caring definitely is a vital component of nursing.Moreover, Bertero (1999) deemed that caring includes â€Å"all aspects of delivering nursing care to patients† (p. 414). Thus, caring is the essence and the unifying core of nursing. In her book, Leininger proposed that caring is the trademark of nursing practice: â€Å"Care is the essence and the central unifying and dominant domain to characterize nursing. Care has also been postulated to be an essential human need for the full development, health maintenance, and survival of human beings in all world cultures† (1988, p. 3). These statements imply that caring is both the duty a nd responsibility of all nurses as members of the health care profession..Indeed, the central aim of both nursing and medicine is to act in the best interests of the patient. This is such an obvious statement that it is hardly worth setting down on the page. However, the old adage ‘easier said than done’ springs readily to mind once we begin to think out the practicalities of acting in the patient’s best interests. Most difficult, perhaps, is the question of how we know what the patient would say these are.The place of advance directives is relevant here as they present a very clear example of situations where the patient’s interests are known, yet they still lead to complex discussions about the validity of the patient’s view on their situation. The problem is that nurses have to be sure that the circumstances they face are the ones anticipated by the patient when the advance directive was made.With all the stress and challenges of being a nurse, c oupled with the management of extended workloads and staff shortages within already restricted finances, it is not surprising that the focus of nursing and caring gets lost within the biomedical emphasis. The advent of clinical supervision focused on reflective practice has promoted a refocusing of the emphasis towards patient-centered care and caring as central to nursing. It provides a structure within which any nurse can develop both personally and professionally, maximizing their therapeutic potential to improve patient care while balancing all challenges with caring for their patients.Although some nurses see their profession as a stepping stone for financial reward, others see nursing profession as a vocation   that provides self-satisfaction or self-fulfillment. Whatever intentions they might have in mind, nursing defines who they are. Nursing, to a professional, is a career plan, a central part of his core being; and caring is the behavioral outcome.The concepts of essenti al relationships and self-reward may comprise care of others and care of self. â€Å"Components of this service ideal include a profound sense of purpose, a true sense of capability, and a deep concern for others demonstrated as caring† (Hood & Leddy, 2003, p. 32). Service to others provides a meaningful life purpose. Service gives the individual feelings of competence in the ability to perform a task. Service is the link between concern for others and action in response to concern.Definitely, nurses would be able to meet a client's needs when provide services with care and concern. Caring is a commitment by the nurse to become involved, and its character is relational. Fact is that nurses entered into this relationship with their whole being as they chose to venture in this kind of profession (Bertero, 1999, p. 415). To realize that caring is more than a physical presence, nurses should promote a relational concern for the patient’s well-being. It is essential that th ere is an active commitment for both the process of healing for the patient and to the furtherance of our nursing knowledge. Thus, there should be a union of caring and competence and the link should be seen as the ultimate goal of the nursing practice.ReferencesBertero, C. (1999). Caring For and About Cancer Patients: Identifying the Meaning of the Phenomenon â€Å"Caring† through Narratives. Cancer Nursing, 22(6): 414–420.Hood, L. and Leddy, S. (2003). Leddy and Pepper's Conceptual Bases of Professional Nursing (5th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott .Kearney, R. (2001). Advancing Your Career: Concepts of Professional Nursing. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company Leininger, M. (1988). Care: The Essence of Nursing and Health. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press.Leininger, M. (2001). Culture Care Diversity and Universality: A Theory of Nursing. Boston: Jones and Bartlett.Mosby's Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Dictionary. (2002). Caring. Retrieved 27 October 2006, fro m xreferplus.Orem, D. (1995). Nursing: Concepts of Practice (5th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.Watson, J. (1999). Nursing: Human Science and Human Care (3rd ed.). Norwalk, CT: Appleton-Century-Crofts. The Inseparable Link of Nursing and Caring Caring is a human instinct. Especially with people that are close to our hearts, people would not hesitate to care for their general well-being. More so, people whose duty is in the service sector, they are more enjoined to care for their customers. This is why â€Å"caring† is both a duty and a responsibility to people involved in the health care profession. As defined by Mosby's Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Dictionary (2002), caring means the actions characteristic of concern for the well-being, such as sensitivity, comforting, attentive listening, and honesty for the patient.One of the frequent reminders offered to health care professionals is that â€Å"patients are people†. This is not because health care professionals do not know this or, worse, do not care about the status of their patients. It is simply that in the cut and thrust of decision making in relation to the clinical management of a patient’s condition, the human side of health care can be overshadowed by its technical aspects.No doubt, to become a successful nurse, one must not only learn to deal with their patients as clients, caring for them is important to assure their recovery from any maladies. Since the days of Florence Nightingale, there has been a direct link between nursing and service to others (Kearney, 2001). When a child is asked why they want to become a doctor or a nurse, they often respond, â€Å"To help other people†.   This response partially defines caring because caring cannot occur if others are not involved. Caring requires a recipient.Several theorists have developed conceptual models based on caring. One of them is Dorthea Orem, who developed the Self-Care Deficit Model (1995). Orem believed that all individuals desire to care for and meet their personal care needs and that each person has varied abilities to participate in meeting his personal self-care needs. The nurse attempts to meet the client's self-care needs in an effort to re duce the client's self-care deficits. On the other hand, Watson (1999) believed that caring is a moral ideal and that nursing is a caring art and science. The client is the center of human caring. Finally, Leininger (2001) purported that nursing is a learned art focused on caring in accord with an individual’s culture. To these theorists, caring definitely is a vital component of nursing.Moreover, Bertero (1999) deemed that caring includes â€Å"all aspects of delivering nursing care to patients† (p. 414). Thus, caring is the essence and the unifying core of nursing. In her book, Leininger proposed that caring is the trademark of nursing practice: â€Å"Care is the essence and the central unifying and dominant domain to characterize nursing. Care has also been postulated to be an essential human need for the full development, health maintenance, and survival of human beings in all world cultures† (1988, p. 3). These statements imply that caring is both the duty and responsibility of all nurses as members of the health care profession..Indeed, the central aim of both nursing and medicine is to act in the best interests of the patient. This is such an obvious statement that it is hardly worth setting down on the page. However, the old adage ‘easier said than done’ springs readily to mind once we begin to think out the practicalities of acting in the patient’s best interests. Most difficult, perhaps, is the question of how we know what the patient would say these are. The place of advance directives is relevant here as they present a very clear example of situations where the patient’s interests are known, yet they still lead to complex discussions about the validity of the patient’s view on their situation. The problem is that nurses have to be sure that the circumstances they face are the ones anticipated by the patient when the advance directive was made.With all the stress and challenges of being a nurse, coupled with the management of extended workloads and staff shortages within already restricted finances, it is not surprising that the focus of nursing and caring gets lost within the biomedical emphasis. The advent of clinical supervision focused on reflective practice has promoted a refocusing of the emphasis towards patient-centered care and caring as central to nursing. It provides a structure within which any nurse can develop both personally and professionally, maximizing their therapeutic potential to improve patient care while balancing all challenges with caring for their patients.Although some nurses see their profession as a stepping stone for financial reward, others see nursing profession as a vocation   that provides self-satisfaction or self-fulfillment. Whatever intentions they might have in mind, nursing defines who they are. Nursing, to a professional, is a career plan, a central part of his core being; and caring is the behavioral outcome.   The concepts of essential relationships and self-reward may comprise care of others and care of self. â€Å"Components of this service ideal include a profound sense of purpose, a true sense of capability, and a deep concern for others demonstrated as caring† (Hood & Leddy, 2003, p. 32). Service to others provides a meaningful life purpose. Service gives the individual feelings of competence in the ability to perform a task. Service is the link between concern for others and action in response to concern.Definitely, nurses would be able to meet a client's needs when provide services with care and concern. Caring is a commitment by the nurse to become involved, and its character is relational. Fact is that nurses entered into this relationship with their whole being as they chose to venture in this kind of profession (Bertero, 1999, p. 415). To realize that caring is more than a physical presence, nurses should promote a relational concern for the patient’s well-being. It is essential that there is an active commitment for both the process of healing for the patient and to the furtherance of our nursing knowledge. Thus, there should be a union of caring and competence and the link should be seen as the ultimate goal of the nursing practice.ReferencesBertero, C. (1999). Caring For and About Cancer Patients: Identifying the Meaning of the Phenomenon â€Å"Caring† through Narratives. Cancer Nursing, 22(6): 414–420.Hood, L. and Leddy, S. (2003). Leddy and Pepper's Conceptual Bases of Professional Nursing (5th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott .Kearney, R. (2001). Advancing Your Career: Concepts of Professional Nursing. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company .Leininger, M. (1988). Care: The Essence of Nursing and Health. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press.Leininger, M. (2001). Culture Care Diversity and Universality: A Theory of Nursing. Boston: Jones and Bartlett.Mosby's Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Dictionary. (2002). Caring. Retrieved 27 October 2 006, from xreferplus., D. (1995). Nursing: Concepts of Practice (5th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.Watson, J. (1999). Nursing: Human Science and Human Care (3rd ed.). Norwalk, CT: Appleton-Century-Crofts.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Indian & European Relations in the 1600s Essay

Spain in North America 1560s: Spanish give up search for Indian gold. Focus on defending their empire from English (who were plundering treasure ships and Caribbean ports) and French Protestants (who began to settle in Florida though the Spanish had already claimed the land). Spanish establish fort at St. Augustine, Florida (1565) to protect route of the treasure fleet. They also massacre French Protestants. Raids by Native Americans wipe out military outposts and religious missions. 1573: The Comprehensive Order for New Discoveries says that missionaries, not conquistadors, have to pacify the land. Franciscan friars set up missions in Nuevo Mà ©xico (New Mexico) and attack Native Americans. Native Americans do forced labor. 1680: Popà © leads revolt, kills 400 Spaniards and forces remaining 1500 to flee to El Paso, and destroys Spanish missions (Pueblo Revolt of 1680). Spaniards return, Native Americans make a deal that lets them practice their own religion and end forced labor, but they have to help th e Spaniards. Outcome: Spanish fail to convert Native Americans, Santa Fe left vulnerable. In Florida, raids by English leave St. Augustine vulnerable. French in North America 1608: First permanent settlement, Quebec, is founded 1662: King Louis XIV turns New France into a royal colony, tries to get people to move there. Cannot get enough people. New France becomes an area for trading furs. Rise of the Iroquois: French introduce diseases that kill many Indians. Indians get guns from fur trade, which leads to war. The Five Iroquois Nations come out on top, have control of the fur trade in Quebec (with the French) and New Amsterdam (with the Dutch). French Jesuits try to win Indian converts. They do not exploit the Indians, and they come to understand their culture. They eventually win converts by adapting Christianity to the needs of the Indians. Outcome: Despite efforts of the Jesuits, French fur trade causes devastation through disease and loss of Indian culture. Iroquois warriors kill many, though they too are harmed: French burned their villages and killed many warriors in 1666 and again in 1690. Dutch in North America Dutch set up a fur-trading post (Fort Orange) along the Hudson River. West India Company has monopoly on the fur. Later, Dutch founded New Amsterdam and made it the capital of New Netherland. Colony didn’t thrive: small population made it vulnerable. Fort Orange succeeds as a peaceful and successful fur-trading post. Dutch near New Amsterdam are more aggressive towards Indians. 1640: war. After the war, West India Company ignores New Netherland, focuses on slave trade. 1664: Dutch fall under control of the English under the Duke of York 1673: Dutch assault momentarily recaptures the colony Edmund Andros takes control, in retaliation imposes English law and demands allegiance. Outcome: Dutch, who had once been dominant, are now a subject people. Chapter 6: Making War and Republican Governments (1776-1789) Patriots demand that colonists join Loyalist or Patriot side – cannot stay neutral. Patriots have advantage to get supporters b/c they control local governments. Patriots make army, and Patriots encouraged people to support the army by taking a more active role in govt. Character of politics changes when common people exert influence: democratic army launches age of republican revolution. Americans forced to retreat, Britain pushed back Americans into PA. When winter comes, Britain halts their campaign and Patriots catch them off guard, winning small victories. Armies and Strategies Howe doesn’t want to destroy Americans, just wants them to surrender and compromise. Howe cannot win decisive victory, Washington avoids defeat. Washington’s handicaps: Fights only defensively, has unfit recruits, Radical Whig Patriots believe army is threat to liberty. American Victory at Saratoga Britain’s goal: isolate New England North’s colonial secretary Germain’s plan: attack Albany from 3 sides. Burgoyne, St. Leger, and Howe will attack. Howe’s different plan: attack Philadelphia (home of Continental Congress), end rebellion w/ single victory. Howe uses his plan slowly. Continental Congress flees to PA’s interior. Howe’s slow attack directly leads to defeat of Burgoyne’s army. Burgoyne’s actions: fights, then stalls. Americans led by General Gates slows Burgoyne’s progress. Burgoyne’s army stuck in Saratoga, NY. Beaten back while trying to raid VT. Has troops w/drawn to help Howe. Meanwhile, Gates’ forces grow. October 1777: Burgoyne forced to surrender. Turning point of the war. Social and Financial Perils British naval blockade causes disruption in New England fishing industry, and British occupation causes decrease in domestic trade and manufacturing. People move out, decrease in population. Chesapeake colonies: blockade cuts tobacco exports. Short supply of goods = army starts getting supplies from the people. Women and Household Production Women: 1 Increase output of homespuns 2 Participate in farmwork Despite this, goods remain scarce and prices rise. War also created deprivation, displacement, and death. War divides communities b/c of Patriots’ violence. Financial Crisis State govts are weak, don’t create new taxes. Creation of fiat money, Continental Congress and colonies’ economies crumble. Valley Forge Starvation and sickness for Americans during the winter in Valley Forge, but Baron von Steuben raises morale. Continental army becomes tougher and better disciplined. The Path to Victory, 1778-1783 1778: Continental Congress allies w/ France. Alliance gives Continental Congress money, supplies, and later troops. Also confronts Britain w/ international war that challenges domination of Atlantic. The French Alliance Alliance starts w/ secret loan to colonies to avenge France’s loss of Canada to Britain. Later turns into a formal alliance. Negotiating the Treaty American diplomats ensure treaty specifies that French support cannot end until the United States is independent. Alliance revives colonies and Continental Congress. The British Response War is becoming unpopular in Britain. Some British support Americans and campaign for domestic reforms. George III initially committed to crushing rebellion, but after British defeat at Saratoga changes his mind. Tries to prevent American and French alliance (Parliament repeals Tea Act, Prohibitory acts, and renounces right to tax colonies). War in the South French and Spanish (who joined the war against Britain in 1779) agendas cause British to shift focus of the war to the South. Britain’s Southern Strategy British plan: 1 Focus on winning tobacco and rice colonies (VA, Carolinas, GA) then rely on local Loyalists to hold them 2 Exploit racial divisions between slaves and Patriot owners – get slaves to flee At first, British are winning. But tide turns. Dutch join fight against British. France dispatches troops to America Partisan Warfare in the Carolinas General Green fights in Carolinas. Fighting goes back and forth. Britain is weakened by this war of attrition, and British decide to give up Carolinas to Greene and focus on VA instead. Benedict Arnold and Conflicting Loyalties Benedict Arnold switched from American side to British side. Fights for George III in VA. Britain Defeated Washington and the French fleet surround Cornwallis and his troops on land. Cornwallis is outnumbered, cannot escape by sea. October 1781: Cornwallis surrenders in Yorktown The Patriot Advantage Why the Americans won the war: 1 Some British mistakes 2 Widespread Patriots in America 3 Many Americans support war through taxes and joining the militia 4 Patriots led by experienced politicians 5 George Washington Americans refuse to support British army, refuse to accept occupation by Loyalist forces, and endure the inflation caused by the war. Diplomatic Triumph Peace talks begin in 1782, but French and Spanish stall b/c they still hope for major naval victory or territorial conquest. Ignoring Treaty of Alliance, Americans sign a separate peace w/ the British. September 1783: Treaty of Paris. Great Britain recognizes independence of the colonies. Britain gets: 1 Canada 2 Rights for merchants to pursue legal claims for prewar debts 3 Americans will encourage state legislatures to return confiscated property to Loyalists and grant them citizenship America gets: 1 Great Lakes and land east of the Mississippi River 2 Fishing rights 3 Freedom of navigation on the Mississippi 4 British cannot seize property like slaves 1783: Treaty of Versailles – Britain makes peace w/ France and Spain Chapter 10: Creating Republican Institutions, 1776 – 1787 The State Constitutions: How Much Democracy? Many states had written state constitutions when the Continental Congress urged them to in 1776. The Rise of Popular Politics, 1820-1829 Expansion of the franchise = most democratic symbol of the Democratic Revolution. Gives ordinary men more power than anywhere else in the world. The Decline of the Notables and the Rise of Parties American Revolution weakened the deferential society, but didn’t overthrow it. Wealthy notables still dominated the political system at first. 1810: Struggle to expand suffrage began. State legislatures grant broader voting rights to diffuse criticism and deter migration to the west. The new voters refused to support politicians that flaunted their high social status. Democratic politics is corrupt. Martin Van Buren: 1 Created political machine, the Albany Regency. 2 Patronage: gives government jobs to party members in return for their loyalty. (Spoils system) 3 Insists on party discipline, requires elected officials to follow dictates of the party caucus. The Election of 1824 Five candidates, all Republicans, campaigned for presidency. Jackson received most popular votes, but Adams won because Clay made a â€Å"corrupt bargain† with Adams, where Clay would vote Adams into presidency if he would become secretary of state. Presidency of John Quincy Adams: the last notable president Supports American System (protective tariffs, national bank, subsidized internal improvements) Resistance to the American System: southerners oppose protective tariffs because they raised the price of manufactures, and smallholders feared powerful banks that could force them into bankruptcy. Politicians oppose American System on constitutional grounds (for example, saying that the national government’s income couldn’t fund state improvement projects because those projects were the responsibility of the states). Southerners were also angry about the Tariff of 1828, which raised duties on raw materials and textiles. Southerners also dislike Adams’s pro-Indian policy. Jacksonian Impact 1 Expanded potential authority of President by identifying it with the voice of the people. 2 Upheld national authority by threatening use of military force, laying foundation for Lincoln’s later defense of the Union. 3 Reinvigorated Jeffersonian tradition of limited central government by undermining American System of national banking, protective tariffs, and internal improvements. 4 Undermined constitutional jurisprudence of Marshall by appointing Taney as Marshall’s successor. Taney partially reversed nationalist and property-rights decisions of Marshall. Example: In the case Charles River Bridge Co. v. Warren Bridge Co. (1837), Taney says that a charter doesn’t necessarily bestow a monopoly, and a legislature could charter competition (in this case, a competing bridge co.) to help the public. This decision directly challenges what Marshall said in the Dartmouth College v. Woodward case, where Marshall stresses the binding nature of a contract by saying that a state cannot invalidate a contract. Other cases that place limits on Marshall’s nationalistic interpretations by enhancing role of state governments: Mayor of New York v. Miln (1837): New York state can use â€Å"police power† to inspect health of immigrants. Briscoe v. Bank of Kentucky (1837): When it issues currency, a bank owned by the Kentucky doesn’t violate the provision of the Constitution that prohibits states from issuing â€Å"bills of credit.† As a result of the Taney Court’s decisions, the role of state governments in commerce was greatly enhanced. 5 States write new constitutions that extend democracy, many of which introduce classical liberalism (laissez-faire). Laissez-faire says the government role in the economy should be limited.