Thursday, February 20, 2020

Terrorism and Nations Security Concerns Assignment - 207

Terrorism and Nations Security Concerns - Assignment Example Summary - According to Jerrold M. Post, religious terrorism has taken center stage in the 21st century with extremist terrorist organizations such as Aum Shinrikyo and al-Qaeda making headlines. Religious terrorism is an extremist ideology where the terror groups hide under the guise of religious factions, especially Islam, to instill fear in innocent civilians through violence. Such terrorists spread their propaganda based on radical religious ideologies. Hezbollah has been running an anti-Israel sentiment for quite a long time and the terrorist organization has thrived because of strong support from the Iranian government. The terrorist organization has extensively used the media to run its campaign. 1 As an Islamic resistant movement, the Hamas has terrorized the Middle East, particularly Palestine, under the leadership of Sheik Ahman Yassin. Although many negotiations have taken place between Hamas and the Palestinian government, the terrorist organization has stuck to its ideolo gy has rarely had it renounced the absolutist ambitions that it undertakes through suicide bombings.2 In a bid to unearth the inner workings of terrorist organizations, Bruce Hoffman assessed the Middle East terrorism and made a number of astonishing findings. By the year 2005, various terrorist groups, with al-Qaeda taking the lead, had struck in 25 countries, including Israel, Kenya, and the United Kingdom. The number of suicide terrorist attacks stood at 350 by the same years. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) has seized most of Sri Lankan provinces while al-Qaeda continued to terrorize the Middle East and beyond. Terrorism has evolved over the years to the use of suicide bombers, who have been heavily radicalized into believing that through self-sacrifice they receive greater heavenly rewards and in the process, liberate their victims.  

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Criminal Justice in the Movie Gridiron Gang Review

Criminal Justice in the Gridiron Gang - Movie Review Example The Camp Kilpatrick serves as the "last stop" for juvenile offenders before they are finally transferred to jail with the adults. The essence of retribution is encapsulated in the statement: "Let the punishment fit the crime" which is actually reflected in Gridiron Gang. Under this context, the degree of the harshness of the crime committed should be proportionate to the seriousness of the crime that was committed. Simply put, retribution is somewhat a backward-looking type of theory which looks to the past in order to know what to do in the present. In the context of the film, this is manifested through the number of years that a convicted person should spend inside the jail. Meanwhile, deterrence is usually classified into two categories: general deterrence and specific deterrence. General deterrence basically uses the individual who is sentenced for a crime as means of inducing the public not to commit any forms of crime. On the other hand, specific deterrence means punishing the offender to prevent the offender himself from committing other crimes in the future. Their detention itself is actually a means to convey to the other people that these offenders must not be emulated; meanwhile, the offenders themselves would be discouraged to commit another crime given the stigma that they could get from the society. Meanwhile, rehabilitation asserts for changing the offender through correctional means like the football team that is initiated by Sean. It is a good way of motivating the teenagers to turn a new leaf and also serves as a good way of diverting their attention into worthwhile activities. Instead of thinking about the punishment that they are given, they would be more focused on forging camaraderie and sportsmanship among their teammates, as well as opponents in the game. Rehabilitation is considered more effective among first time and non-violent offenders. Â