Tuesday, March 31, 2020

SUMMARY Essays (902 words) - Eucharist, Sacraments,

SUMMARY Eucharist History -reenacts the closing events of jesus' life -links past-present-future one ceremony -powerful, meaningful ritual -last of the 3 sacraments of initiation -prescribed by christ -have to see the eucharist as body, not bread Eucharist celebrates -"a way of remembering" -daily reminder of Gods love -jesus shared bread at last supper/do this in memory of me -a thanksgiving feast -"eucharist" means giving thanx Ritual Meal -earliest form of rituals are eating and gathering -sacrifice meal -ritual not a routine -builds on the symbolism of a ritual mean Sign and Symbols -symbol of gods love for us -jesus' body -last supper/banquet -welcome others to participate in the eucharist -unfilled celebration -if we went to mass on sunday, it would make the rest of the week more meaningful -unified body -it is the most commonly received sacrament, most pivotal of 7 -as a community, we celebrate the presence of christ in the eucharist -bread: basic food for most people/closely assoc with nature human work Vestements -white/purple/black robe Words -"Do this in Memory of Me." -"This is my body, which has been given up for you." The Eucharist Thesis: The Eucharist is a sign of Jesus' death, and how He gave himself up for us, and how we experience Him through His body. History of the Eucharist The Eucharist is a Jewish Ritual of worship. It dates back to the Last Supper, where Jesus celebrated a typical Jewish community meal with His friends. Sharing a meal with family, (very important to the Jews) also dates back to the Passover Meal. This is called the Liturgy of the Eucharist, and the early Christians added Jewish synagogue service and then became the Liturgy of the Word. 1 The Eucharist is a sacrament, and is also a ritual. It is a repeated sacrament, and is the most frequently used among all sacraments. It is "a way of remembering" and a daily reminder if God's love. 2 Jesus at the Last Supper shared bread with us, and said "Do this in Memory of Me." This is why we have bread, because it represents Jesus' body, and how He gave Himself up for us. The first little while of the Church, the "Mass was celebrated as a friendship meal called agape." 3 Christians shared brought food to the house where they were assembled, but as the numbers increased, the meal was cut down to bread and wine. Today, the offertory collection echoes the early years of the spirit giving at the Eucharist. 4 It is living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever believes has eternal life. 5 Rituals of the Eucharist The Eucharist, breaking of the bread, sharing the wine, eating and gathering are the earliest form of rituals. These rituals are a sacrifice meal. They are sacrifice meals because they take time, and are enjoyed, so therefore it is a meal, not a routine. The sharing of the meal is important, and it is a time of experiencing each other. 6 The word Eucharist means giving thanks, and the ritual of the Eucharist is like a "Thanksgiving every day of the year". 7 Symbols of the Eucharist The Eucharist is a symbol of God's love for us. It illustrates Jesus's body, and welcomes others to participate in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is an unfilled Celebration and receiving the Eucharist on Sunday, makes the rest of the week more meaningful. It symbolizes the unified body of Christ, and the church symbolizes a community as we celebrate the presence in Christ in the Eucharist. The bread symbolizes giving thanks, and is the basic food for most people and is closely associated with nature and work of human hands. Sharing the Cup represents that drink is essential to life and both bread and wine are symbols of Christ. It also symbolizes how we can go forty days without water as opposed to five days without water. 8 Proclaiming the Word of God means that Jesus is present in the Gospels and He comes alive for us in hearing the words and stories of his life. We stand to welcome Christ into our living word of God. Vestments The garments worn during the Eucharist at Church are either Black, White, or Purple. These are for different times of the year. Black symbolizes death, purple illustrates Advent, and white portrays ordinary time. Words, Statements, Responses There are many different expressions used in the Mass, all with important meanings. First, the priest prepares the gifts, to make them Holy. We respond "Blessed it be God forever." Another one is "Do this in Memory of Me." This means that Jesus gave Himself up for us, and wants us to remember what He did for us. It reenacts the closing events of Jesus' life on

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Hygrometer a Weather Instrument that Measure Humidity

Hygrometer a Weather Instrument that Measure Humidity A hygrometer is a weather instrument used to measure the amount of humidity in the atmosphere. There are two main types of hygrometers a dry and wet bulb psychrometer and a mechanical hygrometer. What is Humidity? Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere caused by condensation and evaporation. It can be measured as absolute humidity (the amount of water vapor in a unit volume of air), or a relative humidity (the ratio of moisture in the atmosphere to the maximum moisture the atmosphere can hold). It is what gives you that uncomfortable sticky feeling on a hot day and can cause heat stroke. We feel most comfortable with relative humidity between 30% and 60%. How do Hygrometers Work? Wet and dry bulb psychrometers are the most simple and common way of measuring humidity. This type of hygrometer uses two basic mercury thermometers, one with a wet bulb one with a dry bulb. Evaporation from the water on the wet bulb causes its temperature reading to drop, causing it to show a lower temperature than the dry bulb. Relative humidity is calculated by comparing the readings using a calculation table that compares the ambient temperature (the temperature given by the dry bulb) to the difference in temperatures between the two thermometers. A mechanical hygrometer uses a slightly more complex system, based on one of the first hygrometers designed in 1783 by Horace Bà ©nà ©dict de Saussure. This system uses an organic material (usually human hair) that expands and contracts as a result of the surrounding humidity (that also explains why you always seem to have a bad hair day when it’s hot and humid!). The organic material is held under slight tension by a spring, which is linked to a needle gauge that indicates the level of humidity based on how the hair has moved. How Does Humidity Affect Us? Humidity is important for our comfort and our health. Humidity has been linked to sleepiness, lethargy, lack of observations, lower observation skills, and irritability. Humidity also plays a factor in heat stroke and heat exhaustion. As well as affecting people, too much or too little humidity can affect your possessions. Too little humidity can dry out and damage furniture. In contrast, too much humidity can cause moisture stains, condensation, swelling, and mold. Getting the Best Results from a Hygrometer Hygrometers must be calibrated at least once a year to ensure they provide the most accurate results possible. Even the best, most expensive hygrometer’s accuracy is likely to alter over time. To calibrate, place your hygrometer in a sealed container alongside a cup of salt water, and place it in a room where the temperature stays relatively constant throughout the day (e.g. not by a fireplace or front door), then leave it to sit for 10 hours. At the end of the 10 hours, the hygrometer should display a relative humidity level of 75% (the standard) if not, you need to adjust the display.