Friday, October 4, 2019

Why do consumers love GreyGoose Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Why do consumers love GreyGoose - Research Paper Example The winning answered the consumer’s long asked question of whether expensive vodka tested better than cheap vodka. Consequently people felt justified for buying expensive vodka (Rothbaum 60). Following the cosumer’s loving for greygoose, we developed an urge to conduct a research. The research was to explain why consumers love greygoose. We used ZMET procedure to carry out our research. We chose on ZMET because the procedures involved draw out the deepest feelings, thoughts, recognitions and undisclosed perceptions of the respondent concerning the topic being interviewed. ZMET is the best choice for researchers willing to investigate consumer behaviors concerning a given product (Chang 279). We recruited our informants from France. Since many people were willing to participating in our interview, we carried out screening criteria on consumers who were interested in participating in the interview. We conducted in-depth interviews and carried out the convenience sampling to choose our interview participants (Chang 279). We were gender-sensitive thus we selected one male and one female. Therefore we had two informants for our data collection process with whom we carried out two interviews. The female informant was a 45 year old house-wife while the male informant was a 28 year old employed young man. We used two tape recorders to record the data conveyed by the respondents in the two interviews (Gofin, Lemke and Koners 49). After the interview, there was need of understanding the informants’ information on why consumers love greygoose. We critically analyzed the collected data to identify the metaphors that the greygoose consumers use about this vodka. We focused on obtaining metaphors because through them we could gain a better understanding of the consumers’ thinking. We transcribed the information collected from the two interview tapes into text for deeper analysis (Gofin, Lemke and Koners 49). From the data, we identified metaphor e xpressions and categorized them into thematic metaphors, conceptual metaphors and deep metaphors. Thematic metaphors described various aspects of the informants’ attitudes towards consumers’ love for greygoose. Conceptual metaphors played a role in data reduction and organization. We obtained deep metaphors by analyzing the thematic and conceptual metaphors (Belk 401). The informants revealed that greygoose consumption made them think of France, their home. We used resource as a deep metaphor to show the informants’ claims that greygoose consumption is a source of entertainment (Belk 401). The study showed that consumers considered greygoose consumption as a source of entertainment after engaging themselves in strenuous activities. The informants affirmed the entertaining ability of greygoose increased their trust in the brand. The statement we recorded from these claims was, â€Å"greygoose gets me high†¦it entertains me, I trust the brand!† The vod ka also reminded them of the great times they shared with their friends and family members back in France. Greygoose made them think of the tragic accidents and people lose caused by alcohol consumption. The informants stated that sometimes they met new people during greygoose consumption process hence making new friends. We used intimate as a thematic metaphor to show greygoose consumption as a source of memories. Conceptual metaphors obtained included anarchy, messy, France, friends and family. The informants revealed of how greygoose consumption connected their memory to the upscale greystone club. They reaffirmed that the packaging of greygoose was classy and gave them a sense of psychological ownership of the brand. Greygoose also gave them a sense of belonging. The following verbatim from the male respondent indicated this:

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